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  1. S

    SE was bricked today

    Didn't the mechanical key work? A different issue but my infotainment screen didn't work today although the main console did. Getting out and switching off didn't help so I drove for a bit and then after a brief stop it worked again. Perhaps it needed longer the first time to discharge all the...
  2. S

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Are you able to give me his name, as it would be good to quote it in the email I am just about to send to my dealer (given no response yet to my phone call.)?
  3. S

    Someone is on a 'normal' standard tariff, why would they buy an MG4 in this example?

    Yes, and we EV drivers can do that too. We can make our own decisions as can you. In the meantime can you please stop making up scenarios of stupid people (average Joes I think you called them) not being sensible. We get it you are sceptical about EVs and you may express such opinions, but I am...
  4. S

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Yep, same here. Hadn't noticed anything but now on the drive I can see the evidence and have just put a gravel tray underneath with kitchen paper to confirm. That's at just over 400 miles.
  5. S

    Which charger / energy provider

    I've an MG4 (previously a ZS) charged via an OHME and a 32amp commando socket installed with protection via a separate circuit from my main board. I've also got solar but no automated integration but still managed 16-20 free miles via the granny charger yesterday using an energy monitor and Mk1...
  6. S

    Rapid charging an MG4

    I've got the SR which the spec sheet says maxes out at 117, but as @raph says quite suitable for long distance travel and I'm already looking at revising my cross-France plans and also a trip to Scotland to visit friends. Bearing in mind it's exactly two weeks ago that I expressed an interest...
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    Owners Manual

    Yes, I managed to find it online earlier. I've printed off the 15 pages of the index so I at least can sit on the sofa and suss out the important bits and know where to find them!:-)
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    Home chargers

    I've been using an OHME to charge a ZS first on Go and then on Intelligent Octopus and have been using the workaround suggested by Ohme with no problems. I haven't had the need to charge my new MG4 yet but if I have to use a workaround, and although it's slightly annoying, so be it..
  9. S

    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    Nobody does. If you need the range you charge it up more than usual.
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    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    Those pictures look a bit um.. generic but the air intakes on the corners look right! Too late for me now so I'll check in in the morning.
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    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    If you get a link from one of the many Matts in that place could you publish it here, ta!
  12. S

    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    Picked up my grey SR today and the first trip was a few miles further on to aged parent who had been taken in to hospital after I was woken by a phone call at 3 in the morning and then waited ~ 3 hours for the ambulance.. So I haven't had a play yet, just left settings at default, although I...
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    MG4 Insurance Issues

    I went with Admiral but at a far greater cost than with my ZS with LV.
  14. S

    Insurance Question

    Have just spoken to LV, not on their system and can't quote.. Oh joy, oh frabjous joy..
  15. S

    Even more impressed after test drive

    Which company is that? Mine (LV) don't have it on their list either which might make things awkward as I'm due to pick up Tuesday.
  16. S

    Dealers with allocation and what specs etc.

    Same at my dealer where they are awaiting demonstrators and will be test driving the car I will have if I say yes.. As long as I didn't do too many miles they were happy, on the small (I think!) chance that I turn it down. For anybody who knows Havant I'm going to go down the road past the...
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    One happy bunny,?

    Another thing for my list, buy a new toner cartridge..
  18. S

    One happy bunny,?

    Cacchio, e' proprio bella! I've got a test drive late this afternoon at the same dealer. It's my chance to back out of the deal.. Do update again today if you get the chance on anything of interest. I'll check this afternoon and confirm cable and manual situation. How much charge did they hand...
  19. S

    Insurance Question

    It may be because your licence was issued by another country? Mine is from the UK but when I moved back from abroad to living here my insurance was expensive and has since settled down.
  20. S

    Efficacy of Aero Wheel Covers

    And some people like to cripple their feet by wearing good looking and uncomfortable shoes. Yep, we all have different priorities..
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