Our Trophy LR is booked in for its first service this month. I tried telling them about the software issues (LKA, BT connection dropping, constant safety system faults) I want resolved and that the LKA pushing me into the path of oncoming cars is dangerous. I am told that they cannot do any diagnostics during the service and the first available appointment is in November. Three months to wait for an appointment is totally ridiculous. The sales experience of buying from them last year was excellent, but the worst customer service I have ever experienced from any car dealer virtually guarantees I will never buy another MG. In this forum, many people have had all the problems I reported fixed by software updates, but I am told there are none available for my car.
Unfortunately, the only dealers within a one-hour drive from us are all Richmond and equally unhelpful. I am even tempted to try booking the car in during our holiday.
I seriously recommend that you avoid doing any business with them if you can. I wonder whether their Hyundai or Skoda servicing is as dire?