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  1. R

    MG ZS/Ohme- wished I'known before

    Ok, so I can have a fall back, just a shame it has to be internet based. thanks
  2. R

    MG ZS/Ohme- wished I'known before

    So, you and your partner have the app on each of your phones running off the same account? I too have defaulted to the 5p max charge rate( off peak) but end up with an accurate cost/power charge followed immediately by a normal tariff/power charge on the charge history, due I suspect to me over...
  3. R

    MG ZS/Ohme- wished I'known before

    Well, now 6 weeks in since arrival of MG, 7kw Ohme installed fit neat and tidy, app installed on phone, all appeared ok then I find out Ohme is not really compatable with an MG ( no API), work around is a pain especially if your mileage differs day to day, trying to input a schedule is frankly...
  4. R

    Box/cover for tethered charger

    Ohme unit/switch inside leaving a good 4mtr cable outside
  5. R

    Home chargers

    Agree, John Ward I believe you are reffering to, explains it simply with a white board and coloured pens which suits my pea size intellect!!
  6. R

    Home chargers

    Ah let me qualify my orginal statement, having read it again it is in fact a recomendation not a requirement, have a look for yourself and apologies for casting aspersions on your skill sets!!
  7. R

    Home chargers

    Hmm! not sure about that JodyS21, mine arrived with a commando plug, the literature clearly stated ( com plug) TT earthing required, but as mentioned relatively easy to do.
  8. R

    Home chargers

    Just a thought Marco, if you havent yet purchased a 7kw home charger consider the Ohme type 2 to type 2 charger, it can be used as a normal spare lead for the purpose you want. Dont dive in though, thought/advice needed regarding terminating it for home use
  9. R

    Home chargers

    'flat bed of shame' love it!
  10. R

    Home chargers

    Yes crossed my mind, however I'm from Yorkshire, I'd probably disconnect it and take it with me to my new home
  11. R

    Home chargers

    Excellant dgs, wish I'd seen that
  12. R

    Home chargers

    Problem with the granny lead is if you want to enjoy off peak tariffs you need to 'suck' out as much kwh between 0.30 and 04.30 as you possibly can. In the brief time I've installed my 7kw charger I reckon I'm drawing 3 times more. This enable me to fully charge my car 4hrs@5p/kw rather than the...
  13. R

    Home chargers

    Pretty much what I did but simply removed the commando plug and installed a new purpose switch, dont forget they insist on the earth rod though which is a piece of cake ( other than the test)
  14. R

    Home chargers

    A month in with my new MG ZS EV, very pleased so far, through October I enjoyed the energie freebie outside my gym whilst waiting for 7kw home charger quotes. Two responded, each hovering around £1k and if I read correctly included the OZEV grant. Seems to me these companies are adding it on to...
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