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  1. jem111111

    Newbie questions

    Hi Billy there is a lot of information concerning the use of the phev in this forum and its a great way to find useful information ( by searching for topics). I will try to quickly answer your questions but its not easy to do LOL 1) The main thing to start the ICE ( so you cannot use it in EV...
  2. jem111111

    speed limit icon on dashboard

    I think that means it has not seen ( or recognised ) a speed sign when you are driving. Once it sees on it will then show it.
  3. jem111111

    Auto Boot Closing

    I have never seen this problem , when there is nothing in the boot. The only small issue I have is when the boot is full of stuff ( camping gear or golf clubs for example) , it seems very sensitive and so if it feels the slightest resistance ( even if the load is not covering the locking...
  4. jem111111

    MG EHS no charging with the 240v charger

    You need to prove if its the charging circuit on the car. Are you using an extension lead from the mains to the car then plugging the granny charger into it? I had a problem where the granny charger would not work on an extension lead I had ( even though other power tools etc work on it); I...
  5. jem111111

    I’m just LOVING it!!!

    Thats a good question , and depending where I am going depends on my answer. Having a PHEV obviously means I have options , try to charge or fill up in mins with petrol. As I'm on holiday I do not want to be sitting on a charger for hours just to get a charge, so below is my thoughts 1) I will...
  6. jem111111

    I’m just LOVING it!!!

    I agree with you 100% Jeff and went down the same route 1 year ago. I'm still loving the PHEV and think its a great 1/2 way house between full EV and ICE ( obviously as its both LOL) It amazes me how many people knock PHEV's for one reason or another. I think if you drive it in FULL EV then...
  7. jem111111

    Andriod auto

    Strange how i have never had a problem with connecting to AA with a cable once i set the USB options on my phone from "charge only " to transfer files ( i think there is also a AA option now). The only annoyance was i could not close the lid while the cable was plugged in , so i got the...
  8. jem111111

    Amber Warning Traingle

    Taken from owners manual Yellow triangle with . CAUTION When the speed limit information function or intelligent speed assist function is enabled, and the front view camera detects a speed limit sign with text message below, the warning lamp illuminates yellow to remind the driver to recognise...
  9. jem111111

    MG HS PHEV freeze in EV mode

    Does not sound good. So I have not seen anybody report the same issue as you( apart from the normal known gear change issue) , but it does sound like a gear change issue ( it has 10 gears ,4 for EV and 6 for ICE if I remember correctly). The only way to capture it is to video it happening on...
  10. jem111111

    MG HS PHEV freeze in EV mode

    This sounds like the known gear change lag issue when in EV mode at 45-50 mph and 70 mph( 80 km/h and 125 km/h). There are a few threads concerning this , i am not aware of any software fix yet
  11. jem111111

    Anyone fitted a Dash Cam yet? If so how did it go? Touch Screen with gloves on?

    I fitted the Garmin mini 2 , and didn't want it plugged into the cigarette lighter socket. I looked on line re the fuses, but it looked a bit messy having to " give a bit of force" to remove / drop the dash panel by the driver side to access the fuses. I ended up buying the Garmin constant power...
  12. jem111111

    How to get the best Economy on a decent drive.

    Hi Steve a good question with many different answers from different people ( none of them wrong) and its up to you to decide. Below are my thoughts only ( i tend to work out the route and approx speeds so I know when to manually change between EV and hybrid modes , others may not as it may be...
  13. jem111111

    How PHEV mpg is calculated

    Hi Jeff glad it helps. When I have been on holiday in it ( long journeys), i got about 40 mpg. That's not too bad for such a big car . My thoughts are , I don't mind the not so good mpg when doing longer journeys ( over 90 miles) as that's only done about 10 times a year. The rest is then...
  14. jem111111

    How PHEV mpg is calculated

    Hi Jeff , that all depends on the cost of your electric. If i charge the car at night and use octopus go faster its 5.5p per kw. This will be increasing soon to 7.5p per kw. If my memory serves me right , the PHEV has approx 13kw of usage battery for the 32 miles ( i know i get more than this...
  15. jem111111

    How PHEV mpg is calculated

    Take a look at the post " Considering buying the HS Phev but need some advice" as there is some good information on there re use in winter and economy
  16. jem111111

    Android Auto. Phone says connected to car, car says not.

    Some phones ( when plugged in ) default to USB charging only. You will also need to change this setting to something like transfer files ( mine also says Android auto )
  17. jem111111


    I have to agree with the other. I used this forum to see what people thought when I was interested and it was a very small group , ( I think Henri8 said there were 5 of them lol ). They offered great help and told me of a few issues to be aware of , eg slow gear change ay 40mph in ev mode ...
  18. jem111111

    Price cap going up in april (53% or extra £693)

    Yes I was surprised to see a 200% increase not the stated 53%
  19. jem111111

    Price cap going up in april (53% or extra £693)

    Here is a question concerning the power price increases that I have either missed or I don't see any mention of, sorry if its a bit off topic for a EV car forum. I keep seeing the £693 price increase on domestic power on the news etc, so I thought I wold check my electricity and gas usage and...
  20. jem111111

    Waze lag using adroid auto in mg ehs

    I do not see any problems on my android auto using waze.
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