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  1. MartinSEsr

    unbind car

    You can only unbind if it is YOUR phone that is bound to the car. If it is another unknown person then MG have to do it via the dealer. You can’t force an unbind. If you lost your phone you can log in to iSmart on another phone - provided you log in via an email address rather than a phone...
  2. MartinSEsr

    MG email update - Towbar & PreHeat (Cable attached)

    Are they Trophy or SE owners? The software provision is diverging & written by different teams.
  3. MartinSEsr

    Trophy owners - can you disable automatic door locking at 10 mph?

    There are clearly two teams of software writers. I totally agree, the SE could easily have a software switch for auto locking at zero cost. With the other software problems such as no pre-heat when plugged in after charging it’s not going to be high priority for them. Is there any chance you...
  4. MartinSEsr

    Tips and tricks to live with the MG4 ACC

    Having had several ACC cars, when fellow passengers haven’t seen it before, I always explain carefully how it works… And how it works, I explain, is that my car has a tractor beam (like in Star Trek) and the tractor beam attaches to the car in front, which then pulls us along. The passengers...
  5. MartinSEsr

    What tyre pressures are everyone running?

    They really need to be at 2.6 bar, set when the tyres are cold before a run. The warning message for low pressure seems to trigger when it drops below 2.4 bar.
  6. MartinSEsr

    Any idea what the Overspeed Threshold setting is for?

    I've set mine to 90. If for some reason I go over that speed it will tell me lol. Otherwise it is out of the way and un-needed. It would be cleverer if it used the speed from the road signs - however they are usually mis-read or on an adjacent road, so it would be even worse.
  7. MartinSEsr

    Tips and tricks to live with the MG4 ACC

    Our last four cars have been chosen (two Suzuki, two Golf GTi) BECAUSE they have ACC. Once you have had it and got used to it, it's the one thing I couldn't live without. Some marques charge a lot for it, namely Audi and BMW where it is a very expensive option. Some don't even do it. Once...
  8. MartinSEsr

    Very interesting reply from my MP reference Rapid Charger fund

    Which idiot is your MP? I’m sure 6 chargers at busy service stations will be plenty. After all, petrol stations there only have about 10 pumps, and let’s not worry that a conventional car can ‘recharge’ in about 2 minutes compared to 40 mins. Great news about the imaginary car grant too.
  9. MartinSEsr

    add cigarette plug and usb c and A on trunk

    Hi, what is a trunk? Do you mean the US term for the rear storage area (a boot in the uk?) or the front bonnet (hood in the US?) where you can store small things and buy an frunk box? With a power supply you need to think about whether you want it permanently live, or controlled on/off by the...
  10. MartinSEsr

    Scratch and infotainment screen

    It is a very nice large screen on that car.
  11. MartinSEsr

    Voice commands

    You can set the RH star button to bring up AC, where the toggle does temperature +/- and fan speed +/- if that helps.
  12. MartinSEsr

    Scratch and infotainment screen

    Hi, is there any chance the original soft plastic protection screen is on your display still, and it is that you have scratched? Rather than the glass underneath?
  13. MartinSEsr

    Wireless reversing-camera with mirror-view

    Many thanks for your help!
  14. MartinSEsr

    Wireless reversing-camera with mirror-view

    I'm thinking of buying this kit for just over £100 on Amazon (currently £123-£15), it has a wireless camera that attaches above the numberplate, and a clip-over mirror that has an inbuilt screen. Has anyone fitted one? The only unknown is how easy it is to find the reversing-light live-cable...
  15. MartinSEsr

    Guess-o-meter calculations. What is your true range and how much you should trust the car's Algo.

    I'm really sorry Rolfe, I liked your original post, but then thoughtlessly hijacked the thread with a separate and now clearly unrelated question to do with power and energy consumption on acceleration... I should have started a new thread on that, apologies.
  16. MartinSEsr

    Guess-o-meter calculations. What is your true range and how much you should trust the car's Algo.

    Thank you for the interesting paper and charts. It looks like the motors are much more efficient at higher RPM, looking at the 0.58-0.96 graph, which is a pleasant surprise. Of course, faster motor = faster car, with higher drag (proportional to V squared) so power useage (proportional to V...
  17. MartinSEsr

    Owners Manual Rev 2 updates - Beware!

    Sloucher has done a great job with manuals and makes no profit, and having bought V2 recently they are very well produced and must be time consuming to put together. I noticed all the speeds are in Km/h but wasn't too worried and wouldn't expect a replacment.
  18. MartinSEsr

    Interior light holder

    Would these work? They are also W5W but are 1/4 the price of the ones at the start of the posts. W5W interior bulbs x 4
  19. MartinSEsr

    Guess-o-meter calculations. What is your true range and how much you should trust the car's Algo.

    I'm an engineer so should be able to work this out, but feeling tired and thick... Does harder acceleration use more battery?? If we need to get from 0 to 60 for a 20 mile cruise on a dual carriageway with no stops, then DOES fast acceleration to 60 use more battery than slow acceleration? It...
  20. MartinSEsr

    Fasten seat belt warning

    Hi if you are usually the only person in the car, but put a briefcase (or a heavy lunch box!) on the passenger seat, or throw things onto the back seat, it can cause a problem with the seat-weight sensor thinking there is someone sitting there with their belt off. The solution is on...
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