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  1. R

    High Beam issue with stalk vs auto lights

    I wasn't impressed by the auto high beam after being spoiled with matrix led lights in my last ev so I opted for manual. Might have been the software but might try auto again....Thanks. Good idea about the elastic band!
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    High Beam issue with stalk vs auto lights

    I've twice now accidentally knocked off my headlights when toggling high beam via the stalk. I normally use the front of my fingers to knock the stalk forward but find I sometimes catch the automatic headlight toggle. Do people use their fingertips on the end of the stalk only or are just more...
  3. R

    Carrying cargo vs seat belt warning

    Is there any way to silence the seat belt warning when carrying builders provider products that weigh a bit in the rear / front passenger seat. The chime gets annoying after the first hour. Can probably get a fake belt clip and this is only for this scenario, never with real people. I can leave...
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    Broke my Rear View Mirror Mount

    ouch - will have a word with the Garage then, hope spares aren't weeks away!!
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    Broke my Rear View Mirror Mount

    Thanks. I'll have to see if I can get the arm out - it snags on the plastic surround, then clean out the shards of glass to get a good contact surface.....
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    Broke my Rear View Mirror Mount

    From outside it appears there's a second layer of laminate bonded to the front windscreen and this is what sheared off.
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    Broke my Rear View Mirror Mount

    I was wrestling a large box into the front passenger seat and knocked off the rear view mirror. Thought it would just hop back into the ball but with too much force I broke the arm / mount. Not much to it behind the scenes, heard glass crunch. Not that sturdy IMO. Oh well. Anyone had this...
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    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    The App kept rejecting my password, used the same for the last few months - had a ! in it - had to reset and change, rejecting new one with ! in it, removed the ! and it worked. Talk about unsecure!! No special characters at all now? Just make it longer I guess!!
  9. R

    MG4 Standard tyres are seriously dangerous!

    right two stock tyres lost traction and I started fish tailing on an onramp to a motorway at higher speeds while it was dry out. Scared me enough to replace with crossclimate 2's and no issues since and feels a lot happier in wet too. Only 5 months old. Tracking was off from the factory too!
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    Loss of Control

    Decided to pull the trigger on 4 x new Michelin CrossClimate 2 tyres and see how they fare. Will go easy with the foot in the meantime!!!
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    Loss of Control

    It was warm enough around 12°C. Might have been something on the surface itself I couldn't see all right. I'm considering new tyres just for my own confidence but might hold off a while longer and see. The car feels rock solid except when it doesn't! Thanks everyone!
  12. R

    Loss of Control

    Had a scare yesterday, coming down an onto a motorway ramp and accelerating up to merge at 70mph with a slight left turning motion. Before I could merge the right hand side of the car lost traction and started fish tailing. It was dry, just a slight turning motion on the wheel but it gave me a...
  13. R

    ACC - Not able to turn off!

    The brake pedal was my out and worked fine. That left hand steering wheel button was the issue. Was able to get it turned off by using the main console and disabling the whole ACC/traffic assist system until I had a chance to get home and review. Good idea about setting the minimum speed so I...
  14. R

    ACC - Not able to turn off!

    I had a weird experience last week - was on a dual carriageway using cruise control and after pressing a few of the buttons on the left side of the steering wheel vigorously for one reason or another I found i was unable to turn off cruise control entirely. I could adjust the desired speed and...
  15. R

    Issues Poll Request Phase 1 vs Phase 2.

    worked out all the kinks with my phase 2 but couldn't fast charge (1st time trying) at the wrong end of a long trip! BP Pulse & Easygo (both Belfast) failed, ESB & Ionity worked. Dealer upgraded software yesterday, plan to return next weekend and test again! And bring a bicycle just in case to...
  16. R

    Discharge for power tools

    Thanks - tried without RCD and it worked fine. Will feed back to cable supplier for their thoughts on RCD and also will look into double isolated tools for protection....
  17. R

    Discharge for power tools

    The cable is meant to be good to 2.5kW and the RCD is 13amp so ok to just over 3kW. I'll test the angle grinder on a main/meter and see what it peaks to. The car itself cuts off, the RCD is fine, have to restart at the car end to get it working again. Where did you get a 7kW discharge cable...
  18. R

    Discharge for power tools

    Bought a discharge cable and was trying it out for the first time in anger on Monday after testing with a hair dryer. The reciprocating saw worked fine (@1400w) but the large 9" angle grinder tripped something and didn't work. Only 2000w so had to use mains for that. Pity! Probably best for...
  19. R

    Passenger Windscreen one touch closing question

    My SE LR is one touch for drivers side only. Guess it's a subscription payment to get one touch for the other windows, coming to an infotainment screen near you!!
  20. R

    Passenger Windscreen one touch closing question

    Tried the 10 second trick - recall I had to do that on my old Mazda after it had been in for a service and they had disconnected the battery. Didn't work on my MG4 here though. The safety answers seems most likely, makes sense even if it can tell there's someone not sitting there, oh well...
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