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  1. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Here in NZ, there seems to be both type 1 and Type2 chargers/plugs installed in shopping centres. Everytime I go there all the type2 chargers are full and type1 empty. Is type 2 more of a common standard/plug in chargers and cars ??
  2. Cafeg

    Roof rails

    Yes I will when I get it back. My auto garage door came down while I was backing out and wiped out the shark fin on top and scratched all the roof :( The panelbeater noticed the marks on the roof rails. They were like spots on the railings. It went through a carwash 2 days before that but the...
  3. Cafeg

    Roof rails

    We just noticed a problem with the roof rails after going through a carwash twice. The Paint has gone all spotty. Anyone else noticed this. It was a shell softwah carwash. The rest of the car paint is ok.
  4. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    And yet the same batteries they are all saying catch on fire they all hold up to their ears in phones. :)
  5. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    An escooter here in Wellington.NZ caught fire and blew the apartment up it was in yesterday. The occupant was critically injured. It blew the apartment tio bits. The fireman cited cheap alibaba scooters from china which some are buying.The fireman also said cheap chargers they ae finding are a...
  6. Cafeg

    Poll: Do you charge at home?

    We have a Mg phev and use the 3 pin charger supplied with it everyday. Normally once I get back after going out plug it in depending on the solar available. But we also have free power from 9pm to midnight 7 days, so the bulk of our charging is done then and also a tesla2 powerwall battery...
  7. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I can think of a number of things. : brakes heting up, wheelbearings getting dry and hot, Electrical system short and a lot of other things besides the car battery starting the fire. In the news an electric scooter on fire. Some of these cheap things might not have a BMS on them.. Car batteries...
  8. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    There wasa electric car fire here a month ago. That started everyone off how dangerous they were again. The truth was the front tyre caught on fire which spread to the rest of the car.
  9. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Well, using your battery to charge their car, sure you could charge them at the KW rate but they might argue its free power from the battery. I wouldn't be letting anyone do it as we use all of our battery up for the house and car.
  10. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    That could lead to disagreements, especially if they have a battery... They would be better off having their own wallbox charger.
  11. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    If you use a neighbors wallbox to charge your ev, how would you calculate the electricity used to pay them for it ??
  12. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Refineries stopping using electricity will be a while away yet, Once more EVs are uptaked, the problem is going to be more with enough charging stations to cope with the 1 to 2 hr wait to charge your EV. Thats when using excess solar to charge up the EV instead of exporting it. We have 6.5 kw of...
  13. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Whats the first thig that people say to you when you tell them yo have an EV, Mostof the time its " but arent you worried about the battery catching fire and the cost of replacing the battery when you have to " They are brainwashed with this ! I say back well what are the Taxis using ?? (in...
  14. Cafeg

    Quality car mats for the HS PHEV

    From MG, Its an accessorie you can buy. I got mine from my dealer:
  15. Cafeg

    HS PHEV - the good, the bad and the ugly

    Yes and even better, over 80% of our running is in free EV mode with one trip up to 200kms once a month in hybrid mode. The rest of the time we are in full EV mode. Our battery is being charged for free at home by 4 ways : 1) solar, 2) existing powerwall2 battery, 3) our free power from 9pm...
  16. Cafeg

    HS PHEV - the good, the bad and the ugly

    I have had my MGHS phev for 4 months now. I enjoy driving it around town and on a trip, It is very comfortable and the mirror placement is good and very easy to see behind and around the car. What could be improved: Having a Electric cabin heater instead of starting the petrol motor to heat the...
  17. Cafeg

    Cant open petrol cap

    MG dealer replaced my petrol cap today and its coming off a lot better now :)
  18. Cafeg

    MG iSMART app connect.

    From what I can find on searching it needs the iSmart system for it. iSmart is on the Thai version but not on the NZ/AU version. Pity surely it wouldnt have cost them much to put iSmart on all Mg HS.
  19. Cafeg

    Cant open petrol cap

    The ICE has to be used for charging the 12 volt system battery though doesnt it? That battery doesnt charge off the main drive battery system does it or does it trickle charge when driving. So eventually the ICE will have to startup for that ? It should and should charge when plugged in but...
  20. Cafeg

    Quality car mats for the HS PHEV

    Another good mat to get is the MG Boot lip protector. This folds out and over the rear bumper when the boot is open. I had it put on at new and the back bumper is still as new. Thats where a lot of scratches happen taking things in and out of the boot. My phev came with all MG floor mats already...
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