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  1. Cafeg

    Cant open petrol cap

    I wonder if there is anything we can put on the cap rubber seal to stop it binding like that, perhaps vaseline ? I just tried mine yesterday after 800kms since the last fill and I had to use the 8 inch shifting spanner again to get it to release the first bit again. I just showed the petrol cap...
  2. Cafeg

    MG iSMART app connect.

    Some of the shopping centres here have free charging stations while you shop.
  3. Cafeg

    MG iSMART app connect.

    Its a 3pin wifi plug you plug into your wall socket thats controlled by your home wifi. You can schedule with it or just simply turn the power off an on to charge your car once you plug the 3pin charging cable that came with your car into it and your car. I normally just connect the charging...
  4. Cafeg

    MG iSMART app connect.

    yes it is, I've only had mine for 4 months and I'm very happy with it. I use a wifi plug that I plug the charger into so I can turn charging off an on. I've had np with my phev. Its great. Iuse it around town on EV mode mainly and its doing 2L / 100Kms !
  5. Cafeg

    MG iSMART app connect.

    Hello, I have a MG HS phev. The iSMART app cannot connect to my MG, There is no code to scan anywhere in the Mg settings to connect iSmart to the car. Has anyone managed to get this going with a phev or is there another app we canuse with MG phev ? I am in New Zealand.
  6. Cafeg

    What do you use on your seats?

    this one hre looks similar:
  7. Cafeg

    What do you use on your seats?

    Beeswax doesn't have chemicals and is natural. a google search will tellyou : Is beeswax good for car interior? Beeswax is an antifungal agent and can protect your seats from mold, bacteria, and other unwanted organisms. It also restores the natural water-resistant qualities in your leather...
  8. Cafeg

    Information on switching between battery and ICE power

    Drop the heater temp down for passenger and driver. The Ice starts up when heat is needed in the cabin. Mine used to be on 22deg, I dropped it down to 19deg or 20deg and now Ice only starts up briefly for a couple of minutes, then I can switch to EV mode and stays in it.
  9. Cafeg

    What do you use on your seats?

    Have you tried Beeswax ? I use that on all my leather shoes without a problem.
  10. Cafeg

    Cant open petrol cap

    Yes, I have experienced this. First time I refueled my HS phev np, pushed the button under the dash for 2 secs as book said, waited until the green notice came up saying refuel now, opened the cap and filled up, np. Second time I filled up, followed the same steps but the cap wouldnt release...
  11. Cafeg

    Hs PHEV insurance premiums

    Ok. I wonder why on my MG phev as soon as I change the heater temp above 20deg the ICE motor kicks in, With the temp on low 20 deg and under, I can start and switch sraight to EV mode before even moving and drive all the way and back to my destination in EV but as soon as I put the temp up the...
  12. Cafeg

    Hs PHEV insurance premiums

    With the MG HS phev, I have found that just dropping down your heater temp stops the petrol engine cutting in and you can stay in EV mode.I used to have both driver/passenger on 22deg, now I have driver on 20deg and passenger on 18deg and EV mode stays in for the whole drive. This is with...
  13. Cafeg

    12V battery low warning light HS PHEV

    isnt the phev 12volt battery covered under the mg warranty ?
  14. Cafeg

    EV mode keeps dropping out on MG HS PHEV

    I tried this today - Had to go to the shopping centre 12km away. Left HVAC on auto and dropped the fan down from medium to low in the HVAC settings. Left the outside vent to recirculate air in car. Set the driver and passenger temp to 19deg, they were both on 22 deg before. Outside temp car was...
  15. Cafeg

    EV mode keeps dropping out on MG HS PHEV

    Once the HS gets warmed up its fine, its just that initial startup and drive for 3 or 4 km with the cabin being heated. Now that I know it is doing that, I'll try cutting the temp down for a startoff and turning Auto off. Once it gets going for a few k's its fine. I must admit I turned the...
  16. Cafeg

    EV mode keeps dropping out on MG HS PHEV

    I have a 3 month old MgHs phev. yes that all works. I just took it out of auto in heating, dropped it down to 16, (temp outside was 11 here inNZ) and the fans around 2 so they aren't blowing hard. Start it in EV mode and drive around without it switching out of EV mode. It used to start the...
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