My Bluetooth connection worked perfectly this morning but when I got in this afternoon my phone pinged with a Bluetooth pairing request. I plugged in and AA opened and then the Bluetooth link re-established itself. I don't normally use Bluetooth and AA and discovered this process by accident...
@MDWMG, have you read this thread? As per my post a few posts back I just plug in my Android phone and the connection is re-paired with the last settings. Note, you may have to delete previous connections.
Can you please tell us your actions before you plug into the charge port. That is:
a. Unlock car;
b. Power up car;
c. Open charge port flap;
d. See if port lights work;
e. Check colour of port lights ....
and so on.
Do you have a granny charger, that is one that plugs into your domestic sockets?
My FCA is set to medium sensitivity and since then no full on braking. My chicane route to my local supermarket gives me bongs and a Forward Collision warning on the driver's display.
@Everest, I can follow all your recommendations and agree your full safe solution. I would use a V2L carefully.
However, in respect of earthing arrangements: surely if there is no earth return then anyone touching a live appliance would not be offering a circuit to earth (hence why the RCD...
As far as I know the PAS does not require the detection of a person; it is like the reversing sound lorries and some cars have. The image you see is likely to feed into the Forward/Reverse collision alert/braking system.
@ianb, what info version have you got? My Trophy is on R33. It shows a person on a motorcycle when a pedestrian is detected (as well as for a motorcycle, etc).
The are a number of settings (cog icon) that control the routing, it may be these are driving the solution. I can't remember them but there must be shortest/fastest/economical. Have a play to see what happens as you change them.
I use the car's satnav most of the time and have not had a problem with incorrect locations. It does try to send you up one track roads occasionally.
What does the satnav show when you are at home?
As suggested by others have you tried another device? In particular have you a trusted friend with an android phone to see if the problem remains if they download the app and login using your credentials?
I have only my mobile number for the app. The app works ok with about 5 expired tokens over the last 20 months. I, too, have changed my phone without issue and the Bluetooth seems more reliable.
@ReintjeWA is correct. Swipe left and select Settings. Go down to voice, there is an on/off switch for "Hello MG". Also make sure the voice level is turned up.
Battery connections fully tight. I think it was a software glitch recognised by the car that it was not charging the battery, possibly detecting a relay not closed. If so, the car was showing the battery voltage rather than the charging voltage on the driver's display as it was less than the...
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