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  1. Glyn007

    ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????????

    When connecting any dongle for wireless car play / Android play. It’s important you go into the dongle settings usually with an ip address of it’s important you go to delay in the settings and change it from default to a 60 second delay. Once you do that every time you enter the...
  2. Glyn007

    Don't tell The MacMaster!

    Yes he lies and exaggerates him and his other mate that runs a YouTube channel love ice cars. I’m very happy with my electric car and would never go back to petrol/diesel again. Let’s face it electric cars are in there early days things will only get better. Longer range and quicker charging...
  3. Glyn007

    Don't tell The MacMaster!

    What amazes me if he hates electric cars so much why keep the one he has had for years. It’s all about making money with him because slagging off electric cars gets him the most views and with YouTube the more views you get the more money he makes. Most of what he says is false information on...
  4. Glyn007

    Don't tell The MacMaster!

    I’ve stopped watching him due to his click bait headlines which never reflect what his videos are about.
  5. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Mate that’s not good enough. I wouldn’t use that dealer again. Have to say I had no problem with my dealer so much so they said if I see any more updates to call them and they will install them for me on my request.
  6. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    T TBH I told the dealer there is an R59 update and the issues it fixed were the ones I was having. I did have the modules updated the week before still under R46 but R59 is much better the screen is now more touch responsive always found that lagging in R46. You need to be firm with your...
  7. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I have to say it’s the best car I’ve ever owned. The car sticks to the bends like glue, no pulling over. Like you say the software updates are a mess just like the app we use. The main reason I bought the Trophy last year was having OTA updates , which still hasn’t been activated and I doubt it...
  8. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Exactly which is what MG customer services and the dealer told me. By the way the 1 km single click was the module separate to R59 as my car still showed R46 after it was installed.
  9. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Well I had the module update package the week before the only change was the cruise control went in 1 mile an hour increments. The dealer said I had received all the new modules available. He told me if I wanted these other improvements then I need R59 installed to get the new updates as the...
  10. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    That’s not what the MG dealer said or MG customer services told me. They said that fix was in R59. They can’t both be wrong.
  11. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    No that’s the only thing you can’t do while in car play. Apart from that there is loads of issues that have been fixed. Car play kept disconnecting in R46 doesn’t now in R59. Lane assistance is now far less aggressive. When in cruise control and over taking a car in R46 the car would slow down...
  12. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I’ve had none of those issues with R59. Bluetooth was fixed constant connection , Car play kept on going blank in R46, doesn’t now in R59. Phone connects every time. Now picks up speed signs 100% of the time instead of rarely. Sounds like the dealer has not installed R59 correctly for you.
  13. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    They have updated your modules but not firmware. This happened to me when I took it in for an update. My modules were updated but my firmware was still R46. I took it back and told them it’s R59 now , so they booked it back in and installed the new firmware. My god what a difference loads better...
  14. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I haven’t tried that yet. Love the way all speed camera signs are now picked up. Never failed once now unlike with R46.
  15. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Another thing I forgot to mention. The Trophy was very hit or miss recognising speed camera signs. That seems to be fixed now picks up the speed signs ok.
  16. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Well I took it for a long drive out and all the bugs I had with R46 have been fixed in R59. Bluetooth connection is stable , high beam now works correctly. When in cruise control the car no longer slows down on a slight bend. Lane assistance is far less aggressive. Icons now show on BBC radio...
  17. Glyn007

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Just updated to R59 on Trophy Long Range Tuesday 4th June. Updated to new version fixed a lot of problems from R46. Enclosed is a letter from my dealer regarding the update.
  18. Glyn007

    Fix to get MG- ismart app to connect every time.

    Ok fair enough. ?
  19. Glyn007

    Fix to get MG- ismart app to connect every time.

    I operate the key from the back of my house my lounge is 30 feet long and with the hall and car on the drive I’m a total of 90 feet away from the car. I look on my ring doorbell and the wing mirrors open up and lights flash to show the car is unlocked. You are wrong you don’t need to be next to...
  20. Glyn007

    Fix to get MG- ismart app to connect every time.

    It’s the key fob communicating with the car. Unlocking the car puts it into wake up mode allowing re communication between the car and app. Only downside the communication only works for 20 mins. After that you have to unlock the car and lock it again for it to work. It’s a bit long winded I...
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