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  1. Aitch1

    Low Mileage Service Plan for MG3 Hybrid+

    Morning Kev. Spark plugs? Do we still have them?
  2. Aitch1

    Balancing the narrative of good and bad

    Same here Clive. I live in North Cheshire/South Lancs and haven't spotted another MG3. They're certainly a rare beast.
  3. Aitch1

    Balancing the narrative of good and bad

    Blimey Ann, you've changed! But possibly like me, it's grown on you.
  4. Aitch1


    Thank you gents for your tips. I have tried both. First it asks for phone or email. I try email and it asks for phone. I try phone and it says invalid email! On the two occasions I managed to get as far as pressing continue I waited forever for the code. It just says waiting for code... Very...
  5. Aitch1


    Can anyone explain, in words of one syllable, how to register with iSmart. I enter my email, password, confirm password then wait forever for a verification code. I don't need help with 'binding'. Yet! just account help please
  6. Aitch1

    Screen Off

    (y) Nice one Clive!
  7. Aitch1

    Does the MG3+ struggle with hills?

    Thanks Declan. That's taken the worry about visiting Multi-storey parking.
  8. Aitch1

    Does the MG3+ struggle with hills?

    I fortunately live in an area which is reasonably flat, (north Cheshire/South Lancs), so I've not experienced any issues with hill climbing. I am wondering, though, if anyone has had issues climbing the winding, steep access roads to multi-level car parks? Or would this relatively short distance...
  9. Aitch1

    MG3 Hybrid Service Manual

    Good morning Richard. I find the MG3 excellent for 'holding against creep' in all situations, whether in traffic, downhill, uphill or any other situation. You have to turn on Autohold in the car settings. After that, whenever stopping, a little extra pressure on the brake pedal will engage...
  10. Aitch1

    Frightening Adaptive Cruise

    Further to my comments in this post, I have an update. After experimenting with ACC with ICA I've found a nice compromise and it works a treat. I now use this method in most of my driving. Turn ACC on with the middle left hand button, adjust your speed up or down by moving the left hand silver...
  11. Aitch1

    Rusty brake discs

    I have also noticed the heavy rust on the disks, more so on the rears. I put this difference down to the braking system favours the front brakes when slowing down to a stop. I'm not sure whether or not to be alarmed over the excess rust. Does anyone know of any issues caused by rusty disks...
  12. Aitch1

    Heating question.

  13. Aitch1

    Heating question.

    Mmm. Tricky. Let me get this straight. One of the benefits of this particular hybrid is that it runs in EV mode more so than other hybrids and therefore more miles to the gallon. But if I also want a warm car I have to force the engine into HEV mode,i.e using petrol? Can't quite grasp the sense...
  14. Aitch1

    Frightening Adaptive Cruise

    Yes, I always make sure the distance setting is on 3. I've had to reach a compromise in that where the circumstances as I've described arise, I use manual braking. Otherwise I'm quite happy with the adaptive cruise, it's ideal for suburban driving and especially in congested areas. Hi Keith...
  15. Aitch1

    What is wrong with your MG3-Hybrid (ONLY)

    Good advice Clive. Thank you.
  16. Aitch1

    Frightening Adaptive Cruise

    I'm not talking about the issue of braking for parked cars, Keith, although I have experienced that. You can always anticipate that happening, especially if approaching a right hand bend with cars parked on the left. No, what I mean is when the car is trundling along at whatever speed you have...
  17. Aitch1

    What do you use to wash your MG3? ☀️⛈️🌧️🌦️

    Keith I'm impressed. You obviously love your cars. In my case as long as she looks ok I leave well alone.
  18. Aitch1

    Heating question.

    Now that the chilly mornings are with us I'm having to use the heater more. Unfortunately the heater doesn't dish out much heat for quite a few miles. In the 'good ole days' you could fit a winter thermostat, obviously not so in modern cars. So, is there any tricks to get more life out of the MG...
  19. Aitch1

    Frightening Adaptive Cruise

    Adaptive cruise control is an option I've always yearned for when looking at new cars, but having now experienced it I'm not sure I like it. In town traffic within 30/40mph zones it's excellent..brakes and accelerates nice and smooth, although sometimes needing a nudge of the left centre button...
  20. Aitch1

    What do you use to wash your MG3? ☀️⛈️🌧️🌦️

    Hi Italy. I foolishly took out the 'protective treatment' when we bought the car and received a complimentary package of cleaning materials. I said foolishly, but it's actually quite good. Even the shitty weather over the past few weeks has not really affected the finish, so I've yet to try out...
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