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  1. KMC

    X Power recall looming??

    I had this SLK & absolutely Loved it ?
  2. KMC

    Software updated today.

    Hello All. I rang Perrys MG @ Preston last Thursday & asked “is there a software update? They said as my Wifes was collected mid Nov 2023 & my x power Dec 2nd that R46 wouldn’t have been done & kindly booked us in for this morning. I also asked about any steering damper recall on the X Power &...
  3. KMC

    X Power recall looming??

    Saying that our current alloys are 8 so I agree 8.5 is ok because the stock alloys are well inside the arch. Rang service department today @ Perrys Preston. No recall or comment from MG. Booked infotainment system software upgrade for both our cars for Sat morning (R46). Our cars were collected...
  4. KMC

    X Power recall looming??

    Trouble is will the car destroy em next time you gun it ?. Also if 13mm takes the tyre edge outside the arch theyre illegal. I think Im just gonna try some quality spacers & wait until I have more information. Ive looked at similar 19” rims myself but if they aren’t suitable its a very expensive...
  5. KMC

    X Power recall looming??

    I am stuck to be honest. Drove to ATS & asked advice, explained MG left the ride height the same because xpower squats under hard exceleration . Manager said “No data on that car, its too new. Customer buys alloys- chooses tyres & we fit em” Frustrated! A Thai channel on YouTube shows MG4...
  6. KMC

    XPOWER Eco Mode

    Well said. Advanced driving techniques suit ev,s to a T. I am not trying to sound like an expert driver I only want to help. Here are 2 simple tricks to improve your ev experience: 1. As soon as you see the lights turn red etc “lift off” your accelerator, you will be amazed how far it will...
  7. KMC

    X Power recall looming??

    Hello all. I spotted this last night whilst trying to Google the largest size alloys I can safely fit on my X Power. Many members have commented on “vibration etc at motorway speeds” so this may be your answer? MG seem to concede we all need a replacement steering damper. Karl
  8. KMC

    Real World X Power mi/kWh Thread.

    Happy Anniversary to Both of you.
  9. KMC

    X Power in the Wild.

    You are NOT alone buddy. And we all know the car brands you refer too. Once your mind stops asking “is it me” & your conclusion is that driving amongst todays “drivers” is dangerous you settle into a driving style of “Trust no Fckr”. There are far better drivers than me out there, 40 years in I...
  10. KMC

    X Power in the Wild.

    Very well written & 100% accurate. Driving standards out there are shocking! Personally I blame David Cameron for rendering Police road traffic units extinct by decimating Police numbers. I often wonder “who awarded these retards a license “ ? As for “todays society in general “ decency &...
  11. KMC

    Real World X Power mi/kWh Thread.

    Here it is parked on a girlfriend’s drive in Heysham. I sold it for £500 ? when I was 21 & off to live in Gran Canaria. Hindsight eh! Both my “berrys” wouldn’t raise enough for the rims these days. I loved that car & a Manta GTE once went through a chippy trying to catch it ?
  12. KMC

    Real World X Power mi/kWh Thread.

    Happy Anniversary Both of you ?. Were coming up on 20 years wed. When we met I had a new M3 & a new RS focus for taking my bulldog out. My main passion was motorcycles & I done a few track laps on those. Never in a car though ?. Anyway my Wife had a few bad bumps & a few talentless boyfriends...
  13. KMC

    Trophy ER - Holborn Blue

    We got my Wife's home. Searched MG4 tips & tricks on YouTube & found a guy (Red MG4) with bite size videos on how to operate everything. It saved us days ! And I recommend it. Enjoy your new car.
  14. KMC

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    How do I get to my software version screen please? Then I will happily do it ?
  15. KMC

    Shell to close 1000 petrol stations.

    Good point. Except for Shells prices!
  16. KMC

    Supagard forum discount

    IF the cars paint sealed rain will break down bird poo & it can’t get through the paint seal to acid burn your lacquer ?. The remover is very good especially on seagull ? (flying rats).
  17. KMC

    Real World X Power mi/kWh Thread.

    In summary your card Mint, it was comfy & went like a stabbed rat & you got home safe. Oh & you enjoyed “tooling it” down some nice A/B roads ?. Did it handle well? (Or did your Mrs yank your chain like mine does?). Sounds like an enjoyable trip & I agree with you that “if” you wanted economy...
  18. KMC

    Making & Receiving Phone Calls

    Sorted it with a wireless CarPlay dongle some time ago. Was just trying to let the person posting know its a common issue.
  19. KMC

    How it should have been from factory.

    Regarding plug/unplug go to your manual & put the web address in your phone browser while sat in the car, its a series of numbers & . Now firstly update the dongle (takes 2 minutes) & then set the start up delay option to 40 seconds. It cured mine! No more plug unplug & it connects once the...
  20. KMC

    MG4 Bodykits & suspension

    Yep seen them on Ebay H&R I think.
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