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  1. M

    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    That's the problem in most of Scotland - lamp posts are not at the kerb. I can't see any way that cross-pavement charging can remain blocked - especially when it's perfectly legal. The Lords prepared a paper on cross-pavement charging recently but, while they talked about channels sunk onto...
  2. M

    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    This is true. With the move to LED street lighting, the power consumed must be a fraction of what used to be the case. That spare capacity could be used to feed chargers. Probably not every lamp post, but maybe two or three in every street.
  3. M

    Rear screen washer failure.

    When I got my car back yesterday, I removed my screen pillar to check that they had put on cable ties to prevent a repeat. They hadn't. For the sake of 5 mins to apply 2x ties, the fault could/would have happened again. To remove the trim, check the joint, fit the ties and replace the trim...
  4. M

    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    Yes, there's no allowing for some people. At the very least you would need to be parked near (10m) your house a couple of times a week. It sounded like the chap in the article wasn’t having problems similar to yourself. It seemed to be just the unnecessary bureaucracy.
  5. M

    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    I've been doing a lot of investigation into the general perception that you cannot charge at home unless you have off-road parking. I cannot find ANY reference to documents in legislation or elsewhere which say that this is the case. On the issue about cross-pavement charging, some local...
  6. M

    Rear screen washer failure.

    Update - my '5' was done under warranty. Thank goodness - they had it for 6 working days!
  7. M

    rear wiper water leak under vin windscreen window.

    I just received a message from the dealer - "There will be no charge to yourself for the time spent on your vehicle". Phew! The more of us who report the job as being done under warranty, the easier it will be for others to insist that theirs is done likewise.
  8. M

    Hello Everybody

    I just received a message from the dealer - "There will be no charge to yourself for the time spent on your vehicle". Phew! The more of us who report the job as being done under warranty, the easier it will be for others to insist that theirs is done likewise. (For the record, my '5' just...
  9. M

    Hello Everybody

    I agree. When this became a 'known issue', it should have been done as part of the pre-delivery process or, at least be done at first service. It must have cost MG less if they had just told dealers to do every car. It would have saved them the additional cost of sorting out the wet...
  10. M

    Hello Everybody

    Hi - ref. the rear screen washer pipe blown of due to heavy frost in the winter. Can I ask if you had this fixed by the dealer, and if it was done under warranty. I know it's an easy fix, but mine dropped water on the electrics and I fear I might be getting a bill ...
  11. M

    Rear screen washer failure.

    Hi. Just wondering - did you have it fixed under the warranty? I've had the same issue and I'm trying to get an idea on whether MG covers the repair.
  12. M

    MG5 won't turn off

    Hi. Just wondering how it turned out? Did you have to take it to the dealer and, if so, did they fix it under warranty?
  13. M

    rear wiper water leak under vin windscreen window.

    Hi. Just wondering how it turned out ref the warranty? My car has been in the dealer for a week - reattaching the pipe probably took half an hour (dash not removed) - the rest has been dealing with the after effects of the water on the electrics. I had to authorise the time to investigate...
  14. M

    MG5 won't turn off

    My 5 is in the dealer's right now for much the same issue - four days working on it on & off. Mine started having the fault after the rear screen wash pipe popped from the connection at the windscreen pillar so it was probably related. Maybe yours has a smaller leak from the washer pipe? Or...
  15. M

    Granny charger

    With respect, I didn't say that having 2 RCBOs is dangerous. "If you have 2 RCBOs rated at the same value it will be pot luck which one (or both) will break first in the event of a fault." You're using "pot luck" to describe the scenario that I described as a potential conflict. Neither of...
  16. M

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    So that's the MacMaster …. I see he has a panel telling viewers what will happen if they leave disparaging comments. I guess that means he's already lost the discussion!
  17. M

    Granny charger

    If the socket is protected by an RCD in your consumer unit, don't use an extension that also has an RCD. Nothing drastic would happen, but the two RCDs can create a conflict as the system tries to work out what to do. That, of course, is the simple version. But the message is to only have one...
  18. M

    MG5 Tesla Supercharger problems: FAQ 1 - Timeline of events

    I did read that post - it was interesting and I admired the fact that you did all that in one day. I used to do 25000 a year going around the UK & a couple of trips to mainland Europe. We had to curtail our travels in 2016 when mother-in-law became ill. When she passed away 5 years ago, I...
  19. M

    MG5 keys - one or two key blades?

    I was in Dundee this morning and ordered a blade from the MG dealer there. £103.20. OUCH - memo to self … don't lose it again, use a bit of tape to stop it falling out. On the other hand, £100 is very little compared to the £££ I've saved in electricity versus petrol. I'm pleased to report...
  20. M

    MG5 keys - one or two key blades?

    Thanks for your replies. Looks like the dealer was giving me duff information. I don't understand why. Could I have misunderstood what he told me? I doubt it - the story he gave was so convoluted that, even if I didn't get some of the detail, the essence was unmistakable.
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