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  1. steve1973

    Crappy App crap

    Hello Bruce yes mine is working fine one less snag for me. Good luck.
  2. steve1973

    Driving car away without key

    That's good to know i'm sure there should be a warning when keys are a couple of metre's away at least?
  3. steve1973

    Monthly Mileage

    I'm looking at 18000 miles a year as commuting to work about 100m a day but looking at the last 2 months since new i have done 3000m.
  4. steve1973

    Help with my power supply

    Cheers les I will look into it.
  5. steve1973

    MG ZS EV BT Phone connection

    I have had similar and found that stopping and starting the call again allows it to happen. At the moment i am getting unable to sync contacts even though the phone is attached to the car. This is after going to the garage.
  6. steve1973

    Help with my power supply

    I had my Zappi installed last year but only started using it from January, The charger keeps on saying fault over/under voltage unable to charge and showing 0.2KW/H always playing up. I have used it 5 times since getting my car DEC 22nd 4 times i have had the fault causing me to reset the...
  7. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Temperature and drastic drop in miles per kWh

    In a way i am getting a bit more as now with a 100% charge i can do 2 trips to work and back where previously i could only do 1 round trip without charging because of the extra charge shown.
  8. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Temperature and drastic drop in miles per kWh

    Yes I know I'm not getting 272 miles but I am getting more than when it was showing 237 so it's a great improvement and might help others on the site so I posted to help if it does.
  9. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Temperature and drastic drop in miles per kWh

    As I mainly do motorway driving it was 3.5 and for a 50 mile journey I noticed it takes 70 miles off the counter. Which with everything on to be expected can't wait for summer.
  10. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Temperature and drastic drop in miles per kWh

    I tried that but never got past 237 that's why i reset them.
  11. steve1973

    Tesla Is Breaking The Law - Do You Care ?.

    I tried using a Tesla charger at my golf club to find it would not let me charge it was a small wall charger with a reset button on the side which apparently should of let me charge but to no successs tried 4 different ones. any ideas? Talked to the hotel no joy!
  12. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Temperature and drastic drop in miles per kWh

    As suggested by a member on here i reset my trip meters and immediately observed 272 miles for 100% instead of 237 i was previously getting it was an eye opener as never expected it to actually work!
  13. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Radio has locked and won't let me change station

    No I won't play with that unless the dealer says it's the only way to fix it. I would rather they fix it as under warranty! Radio locked up and wouldn't play so went back into the garage was informed it's not the infotainment system it's the battery i tried not to laugh in her face but...
  14. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Radio has locked and won't let me change station

    My radio stopped working reboot not worked and not willing to play with battery keeps coming up with a U-drive Identity Failure. anyone heard of this?
  15. steve1973

    U disk identity failure

    No and never have.
  16. steve1973

    U disk identity failure

    Hello not sure if this has been covered before but I have this failure which has stopped the radio working any idea's?
  17. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Radio has locked and won't let me change station

    Sorted out thanks Heating system nothing to do with ECO system definitely blocked. Unfortunately.
  18. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Radio has locked and won't let me change station

    Will give it a try just the radio to sort out now.
  19. steve1973

    MG ZS EV Radio has locked and won't let me change station

    This happened to me so going back to the workshop for a fix also heater problems hopefully they will resolve this issue. Maps also froze unusable and don't want to use my phone all the time. Will let you know how i get on.
  20. steve1973

    Battery equalisation on ZSEV Trophy LR

    I had a warning come on and limp home mode around 5% i think but warnings did start a bit earlier.
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