How lovely that you remembered!
I have to say that any concerns and misgivings I had were very quickly dispelled - the car is lovely to drive, comfortable, very suitable for my needs, and has been much admired by friends and family.
It’s the first time I have had an SUV, and my first EV. The car has more ‘toys’ than my previous car, and it definitely took time to get to grips with some aspects. I have had quite a few cars with CC (which I used extensively) but ACC is new to me and is, perhaps, the
only thing I haven’t yet tried on the MG. I’m not sure why I have been reluctant; but maybe because there’s no real advantage to it now? On previous (ICE) cars, use of CC definitely gave better mileage, but on the MG, without regen, why bother? I seldom use motorways which is probably the only time ACC would be appropriate.
There are a few niggles truthfully - sometimes the infotainment likes to be coerced into action, and other times it immediately plays whatever radio station/music I listened to on my previous journey. I hope that’s all I ever have cause to complain about!
It’s a fair bit bigger than my previous car, a Peugeot 208, but if I position it perfectly, I can reverse into my garage without needing to retract the mirrors. I wouldn’t have bought a car that couldn’t fit. Charging has been faultless, I love being able to pre-heat the car via the app, heated seats were an absolute must - I have had those since our 1973 Volvo 145, and the piece de resistance……..my travel cups fit in the cupholders! This woman must have her coffee on tap, and I have had cars which are woefully lacking in this respect.
Sorry - that was quite an essay!
Just edited to add that today on my way back from a lovely walk, I put my foot down and beat a ‘boy racer type’ away from the lights. Very childish I know, but sometimes you just must ?