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  1. Joningy

    Bad satnav worse than no satnav

    I'm struggling getting Waze on to the car screen using Android Auto. It was OK to start with, but after looking at MG's sat nav, now it only is it stopped, it mostly just shows the inbuilt Nav system. I'd like to know how to consistently get WAZE instead of MG's (not brilliant Sat Nav). Is there...
  2. Joningy

    Close to zero?

    We were close to empty when we arrived at our Holiday destination in Cumbria last week with just 4% (12 miles) remaining, careful calculation and keeping an extremely close eye on things, there was no room for error such as a road closure, we were lucky. It was my fault this happened...
  3. Joningy

    Warning Chimes with no visual clue

    Also had a mysterious jingle today, on the M6, driving to Hampshire from Cumbria, a type of audible warning we hadn't heard before, we were also puzzled. But reading the above, I think I've cracked it, it may have been a rear seat belt warning, with a suitcase on the back seat and possibly...
  4. Joningy

    Battery degraded by approx. 20 miles in 10 months

    Bought in the summer!! It's now colder weather, the cold temperatures will make a big difference (lower) to battery capacity, try it again when it a lot warmer and let the group know!
  5. Joningy

    Any EV advice for my first long trip?

    Thanks Grriff, It doesn't appear that NT Shugborough have EV charging points as yet, sites I've seen which do are only 11kW, OK if you are needing a small top up, or perhaps staying several hours, but we will only stretch our legs for a max of a couple of hours, so I guess it'll be the Ionity...
  6. Joningy

    Any EV advice for my first long trip?

    May be pushing it in one trip. I've done 2 longish trips to Gatwick Airport this year in our October 2023 MG4 Trophy LR, from the Hampshire/Wiltshire BORDER, approx 90 miles each way, charging at home (Ohme Pro) to 100%, I was a tad nervous on the first trip at the end of chilly January, having...
  7. Joningy

    MG4 trophy 12V battery

    Did our first longish term parking at Gatwick for 25 days in cold January into February, I had similar trepidation as many others, but all was fine on our return. Got another airport trip coming up with no fears, stopping off to charge the traction battery ready for the return journey home.
  8. Joningy

    Maximum Charge rate for Long Range Trophy?

    We used Cobham Services to charge up to 95% 4 weeks ago, so our return home from Gatwick Airport, in our new MG4 Trophy LR didn't need another charge. Worked well. Rolfe was correct in saying absolutely no harm to the car, it will only charge to a max set by MG, irrespective of the output of the...
  9. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    UPDATE... Thanks all for the help and SUGGESTIONS. On arrival back to Gatwick after 24 days away, both batteries were in perfect health, I left the car with 87% charge and was still showing exactly the same SOC on our return. But with close on 100 miles to drive home, at night, wet roads, AC...
  10. Joningy

    Leaving car at the Airport Holiday

    I also bought an expensive battery booster after reading so many cases of 12V battery probs when the car was left for a time, not just MG either.
  11. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Thanks Kayged, useful info, still think I may replace the battery, before the winter though!
  12. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Thanks, it's our first trip to the airport, hopefully we can easily manage if battery is low. May invest in a new "decent" battery for next winter.
  13. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Haha, likewise thought the car had done a bunk to Brussels too, but eventually it woke up dreaming, still in Gatwick ??
  14. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Thanks, exactly as I imagined, last look showed 12.6v, so likely in sleep mode.
  15. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Sounds about what I was thinking, got a week to go, I'll update here when home thanks!
  16. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Thanks for the reply, let's hope all will be good when we get back in a little over a week.
  17. Joningy

    Lost MG iSmart connection after 10 days at Gatwick airport parking.

    Left our MG4 Trophy LR at Gatwick Airport on 30th January, fearing the 12v battery drain while away for 3.5 weeks, we charged to 95% at services, left car with 87% charge at the car park, I was able to track it regularly for 10 days, then it stopped, nothing I could do would re-boot it. The car...
  18. Joningy

    Dashcam install

    I made things very easy by not going into the difficult to access fuse box, but used the cigarette lighter under the phone shelf (MG4 2023 LR) the shelf hides everything and the plug in 12V adaptor is unseen, so why delve into the fuses at all, I could understand it if the 12V socket was in full...
  19. Joningy

    MG4 Lane assist, speed assist keep resetting

    Lets hope it gets sorted VERY VERY SOON, our 6 week old MG4 Trophy LR suffers with an aggressive jerk if we get too close to a white line, it also happens occasionally when the system thinks we are too close to the edge of the road on the nearside on our country roads, it's way too aggressive. I...
  20. Joningy

    Automatic braking MG 4

    I do use it on our 6 week old Trophy LR, works fine, comes to a stop smoothly.
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