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  1. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    Pumping up the tyres helps transfer the vibration to the road, imagine a steel wheel on a pure flat surface and an unbalanced brake rotor, vs a soft tyre. Rather than vibes going up, tis vibes going down. I'm keen to take a rotor off and have it balance checked. Mainly due to the tyre pressure...
  2. P

    Two Xpowers for the price of the new model 3 performance, almost. Tesla fail again ?

    The Model 3 performance claiming under 3 seconds for the 0-60 seems like pure marketing once again, and it works , the Xpower should be advertised at 3.4 ? Then there's the car at double the price on road to the Xpower. Yes the Tesla is a nicer car , more range and a sniff of extra...
  3. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    MG dealers now hiring the best of estate agents :)
  4. P

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Me too, another stab would be sidewall flex doesnt allow the vibrations throw more meat left and right. Mmm sounds weird.
  5. P

    40 and counting (vibration petition)

    Looks to be gaining a little more traction.
  6. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    No this is a new kit, mine has dampener kit already.
  7. P

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Have we worked out the physics of this yet ? My guess is rounder tyre less sidewall , or more transfer of the vibration to the ground ?
  8. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    So i have written confirmation that the issue will be covered by warranty and will be fixed, they mention a kit coming out soon, final distribution in a month or two. I wont hold my breath.
  9. P

    Goodbye Xpower

    they will only address the owners who head to court. To which i will be. All he best with your new choice, id go the 300hp Cupra.
  10. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    _ Electric motor is single speed. So its like one big wheel in the middle. My guess is after some time the engine mounts soften up a tad, which makes sense with reports of it fading a bit after 5k or so. High tyre pressure perhaps helps send some of the vibration to the ground, rather than the...
  11. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    MG contacted my dealer after I have complained to MG, which means nothing yet. My guess from what they have said is an engine mount for the front motor. I suspect a retrofit for older cars and new design on the new cars. Anyone with a new one keen to share photos underneath.
  12. P

    6 Month Battery SOH

    Interestingly the degradation is quick in the first few years then plateaus out.
  13. P

    X Power Vibes Fix?

    Tried pumping up the other day, noticed slight difference. Any other mode than eco the vibrations are mad. Lower tyre pressures worse. Ive had a balance and alignment, dealer stall,stall. No answer , so now i go Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Enough is enough.
  14. P

    Latest software update

    How these are not over air updates is beyond me
  15. P

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    Yep yo 32 Sign the Petition
  16. P

    Petition found XPOWER FAULT.

    32 and counting Sign the Petition
  17. P

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    I put it down to poor QC, in this small forum the audience is small snippet of those sold. Lots of buyers would think their issue is one off.
  18. P

    Tyre shop takes my xpower for a burn after balance

    Nada. Jubilee clips do way more. Eco mode is where its at. Also weirdly and to throw a spanner in the works, anyone noticed less in the rain ?
  19. P

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Less talk more Sign the Petition
  20. P

    Why I am so happy not to own a Tesla model 3

    Wowza , turn around and the rooms lit up :) First EV i went in was a P100D with a mad man at the wheel. Incredible car, fastest car ive ever been in , xpower is quick , but 2.6 or so is mad. I have respect on what they achieved with that. I just cant help but these days think of them as an...
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