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  1. P

    DC Charging shows constant 7kW less

    Hi I have noticed regularly when charging with DC fast charging, that there is a 7 kW discrepancy, anyone else seen this? Shows up on the Tesla app and on Chargefox. Haven't tested any others yet.
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    Front engine transfer gear whine under load - this is not about vibrations

    I wanted to share my experience with the July 2024 build of the MG4 X Power. One thing I’ve noticed is a more audible noise from the front gearbox. While this noise was only very minor in the older version, it becomes more noticeable after extended driving in the newer model. The sound resembles...
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    D2 Coilovers for xpower ?

    Not sure how true i is ? Looks legit.
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    Xpower leased - final payout shortfall due to vib issue

    With the probability that the vibration issue will probably never be fixed, the payout figure will leave a shortfall for us. Hopefully based the issue being MGs failure a new figure might be easier to negotiate. Im happy that i have it in writing from MG directly (not the dealer) that they will...
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    Has one single xpower owner had their xpower vibration fixed ?

    My dealer says they have a fix and with MG parts. I smell something , has anyone had theirs fixed ?
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    Two Xpowers for the price of the new model 3 performance, almost. Tesla fail again ?

    The Model 3 performance claiming under 3 seconds for the 0-60 seems like pure marketing once again, and it works , the Xpower should be advertised at 3.4 ? Then there's the car at double the price on road to the Xpower. Yes the Tesla is a nicer car , more range and a sniff of extra...
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    40 and counting (vibration petition)

    Looks to be gaining a little more traction.
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    Tyre shop takes my xpower for a burn after balance

    I would so love to have an eco lock mode! I checked the power usage graph, they gave it stick.
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    OBD2 and intrusion alarm.

    Locking the car and still having a bluetooh connecion to he obd2 kicks off the alarm. Annoying as hell. Thinking of having a relay to switch obd2 of or on auomaically. [ Moderator: odb2 -> OBD2. On Board Diagnostics. ]
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    How it should have been from factory.

    i couldnt take the constant fussing on the built in screen. Make use of a pretty useless charge mat. Wireless carplay, 60fps retina screen, very snappy, very quick. Boots up very quick, even with the annoying MG cut power completely when you go into drive mode.
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    MG have 8 weeks to fix the xpower vibrations. If not i move to second gear.

    After a long drive at highway speeds, my enthusiasm for a fix grew. I am looking at a few options. Possibly parking out front of dealership , with a heap of lemons on the car and some fake paint with " dont buy a lemon" , or drive the car back into the show room and demand money back, get cops...
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    Anyone noticed power doesn't cut immediately ?

    I have noticed when you give it the beans and then jump off the power, theres a good 200ms of delay, its not rolling mass, its genuine delay. Just keep it in mind when getting playful in traffic. Ive been able to reproduce it.
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    Steering Dampener Location ? Has it been fitted.

    All my bolts have oem markers on them, making me think mines not been done. Might have to pop under-tray off.
  14. P

    Calling all Australian XPower owners, im looking at organising a group of us to approach MG. Dealers care not.

    Im at the point of moving things up a notch, the vibration is well known and its totally unacceptable for a new car, hours of droning vibrations on the highway. Even my first car was better on retreads. So, getting off the lounge chair and from behind the screen, its time to turn it up. For...
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    Load shift under slow braking to a stop

    I have noticed now, the stock suspension must be rubbish, coming to a stop at the lights, the weight shifts back front a fair amount. Much like an old wagon or kingswood. Test it next time your out.
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    What software version are you on ?

    Im curious to see what range of software versions we are all on. Mines on R11, is there newer for the xpower ?
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    Does anyone use their wireless charging mat. Other use.

    I never use it, and am contemplating what to use that space for.
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    Best ODB2 ios dongle and app.

    Hi all, Looking for a good ODB2 dongle that is working well for the MG and IOS. Ill mostly use for ABRP and maybe carscanner.
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    Traction control in the wet.

    TC is interesting in the wet. - sometimes grips like stink, other times cuts the fun. And way to tune it ?
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    MG to release software power upgrade?

    I wonder if MG capped power intentionally to release a paid upgrade later ?
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