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  1. shawncullen

    Overnight charging

    100%. It’s a fab forum. I’ve learned so much and met some really great people.
  2. shawncullen

    Overnight charging

    ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ Told you I had no idea what I’m doing! Thanks all!
  3. shawncullen

    Overnight charging

    It’s tethered. How do I adjust to 32A? (Sorry for being a dullard!)
  4. shawncullen

    Overnight charging

    Hi all Sent this to EV energy and waiting on a response. Meantime anyone else come across this? Am I missing something? All thoughts welcome. “See snapshot. I currently have octopus off peak tariff - 5p per kWh between 12:30 and 4:30am. I’ve set the app to know this and while it is boosting...
  5. shawncullen

    This looks positive ? More chargers on the motorway network

    The Fully Charge video is fantastic news. Hopefully I bought my ZS EV just at the right moment!
  6. shawncullen

    tesla superchargers scotch corner

    Saw a video on YouTube today. Someone had bought a Tesla and also bought a CCS Combo 2 Adaptor which you plug any CCS charger into to allow the Tesla to charge on any CCS charger. Pity there wasn't something that worked the other way around (allowing non-Teslas to charge at Tesla chargers by use...
  7. shawncullen

    Range today

    Finally got to take my ZS for a drive today. A 22.9 mile commute to Swansea Bay. Car started at 209 miles in Eco mode on the GOM (no heater on, heated seats on, CarPlay on). Got to Swansea with 177 miles on GOM with one bar gone on battery. Drove home with 149 miles left on GOM and 2 bars...
  8. shawncullen

    National speed limit = max 60mph

    When I drive on the 3 lane M4 it shows the national speed limit sign and flashes when I go over 60 mph so snap!
  9. shawncullen


  10. shawncullen


    Happens for me. I tested it by driving into our village and allowing KERS 3 to slow the car down and my brake lights lit up the back of the road signs I literally just passed! Could see it in my rear view mirror.
  11. shawncullen

    Apple CarPlay

    Had mine since November. Always use CarPlay. Not had an issue. As Cocijo says, correct cable helps. I always use a legitimate Apple cable.
  12. shawncullen

    Top 5 Positives and Negatives ... from Jules

    So, having tried to persuade my other (better?) half Jules to come on the podcast without much success, I decided to quiz her on her top 5 pros and cons given her experience of driving our MG ZS EV a lot more than me. She currently uses it c. 4 time a week to commute (50 miles roundtrip). I have...
  13. shawncullen

    Heating help please. :-)

    Definitely use Normal mode. You SHOULD find it get very warm very quickly - in fact, it can get too warm! I once drove for 20 minutes when we first had ice on the road in Eco mode and got no heat. Soon learnt my lesson! Let us know how it goes.
  14. shawncullen

    Would you have purchased electric car

    Loving the MG ZS EV since delivery in November. The cost to run it is ridiculously cheap. And I find it comfortable and a joy to drive. Haven't had any niggles or anything go wrong with it. I have a home charger and charge every night as a routine so have no issues with range. For the price this...
  15. shawncullen

    What other cars share the driveway with your MG?

    I'll play! Great thread. These monkeys share the drive with the MG ZS EV. Our motorhome (so looking forward to see an end to lockdown!) and Jules' Subaru Levorg. I won't tell you the MPG for that one....
  16. shawncullen

    Octopus - almost Go

    Since our meter was installed it's been 83 days and still not been transferred over to Go. I feel an email to the CEO will be my next port of call. And I shall be demanding a refund......
  17. shawncullen

    Hi From A New Owner

    Enjoy and welcome to the club!
  18. shawncullen

    Best insurance quote!!!

    £238 with LV as multi car policy. Wife has a. Subaru Levorg and she pays £287 for her car. No, No Claims as had company car previously and was too much hassle to get confirmation from previous company! So I thought £238 was pretty decent. 46 year young by the way ?
  19. shawncullen

    Delivery day tomorrow ?

    Pretty much what’s been said above! Never use sat nav - always use apple carplay. Oh, and enjoy the car. I’ve had mine for just over a month and love it. Saving a fortune.
  20. shawncullen

    MG EVs podcast Monday 21/12/2020 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Invite would be great! Thanks. Shawn
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