Unless I’m missing something - which is entirely possible!!
1/we haven’t established what full voltage the pack had before the dealer visit. This should tell if it’s been updated from say 456v to 449v
2/if it’s now showing 449v it doesn’t need much balancing if on the 449v bms
3/you don’t need to run the hv pack down to one or two bars to balance - down to around c93% is enough then charge and balance if needed.
4/the previous predicted range was based on historic trip records - if you really like to see this (although fairly fictitious) i’m sure that you can build your trip back up to somewhere near again.
5/with 449v on latest bms you don’t really have an issue.
I agree, we are not sure what software package you are running on, either before or after your visit to the dealer.
To be honest, if the dealer HAS applied the latest BMS update to your car, then they have correctly done what MG have instructed them to do, applying the latest service bulletin updates.
All dealers SHOULD be updating all ZS EV’s to the latest software at the time of them requiring work, or at the time of service.
Some have chosen to avoid applying these updates, or will apply them only by request.
Which is against the MG protocol.
Poorly applied updates can leave the dealer with a big head ache.
@Cocijo has suggested, reset BOTH of your trips, then fully charge and balance the pack.
You don’t need to run the pack down to a low SOC, you can commence a balance as soon as you loose one white bar from the GOM.
When you reboot the car after the balance has completed, with foot ? OFF the brake, and ensure all items are turned off.
Then scroll through your menu’s with the up and down buttons on the right hand side of the steering wheel.
You will find a screen that reports your voltage on the pack.
This should be around 448 - 450 volts IF you are on the latest BMS software.
456 volts would suggest the OEM original software.
Your range should be around 162 miles in normal default mode.
Unless your pack is out of balance.
If they did update the BMS - they should have explained that you should be conducting balancing of the pack to restore any imbalance there in.