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  1. C

    Breather pipe

    The ZS EV has one of those too. Its called a bonnet - maybe they should have welded it closed.
  2. C

    Breather pipe

    You're right, that does appear to be the case!
  3. C

    Breather pipe

    Sometimes you have to chuckle. The forum contains a huge amount of technical information. Incredible stuff like, how to access coded settings in the vehicles computer, SOC %, SOH, BMS details, the percentile variation between battery cells during and after balancing. And who could forget the...
  4. C

    Breather pipe

    After nearly a year on this forum, that is the clearest and most concise response I have seen. Not only that, its probably the first one I have understood.
  5. C

    Breather pipe

    Excuse my ignorance, but would there be a difference between the colder climate countries and the warmer ones when it comes to the necessity for a breather pipe?
  6. C

    Breather pipe

    What the?
  7. C

    Breather pipe

    The cap is more than loose. It appears designed to spin freely around the pipe. Just a quick check - does everyone have the same free spinning cap, or is mine unique!
  8. C

    Breather pipe

    That was exactly my thought. I didn't want to fool with it until I knew what it was and how it either opened or didn't. To be honest it doesn't appear large enough to use as a filler and without removing the cap I don't know whether there is a dip stick attached.
  9. C

    Breather pipe

    See attached photos of the pipe. Possibly a breather pipe with a black plastic cap
  10. C

    Breather pipe

    On the left side of the motor (passenger side) in my ZSEV is, what appear to be a small black (plastic capped) breather pipe. Around the pipe there is a small amount of oil, which appears to have come from the pipe. Can anyone tell me what the pipe is for, and does anyone else have any oil...
  11. C

    Charging guidance required

    Normally I charge overnight using my 7kw charger (generally set on 15amps). This allows me to determine what charge is required at 20km per hour of charge. I am now trying to use my solar more effectively. Does anyone know if short charges have any detrimental effect of the health of the...
  12. C

    I’m gonna sleep in my car with aircon running all night if the weather don’t change soon!

    Sorry, I still can't get over the fact that 30 degrees is hot! If it is 22 degrees at night we only need to use one doona.
  13. C

    If you had your time over again?

    New Zealand is the land of the long white cloud - no clouds at my place on the Central Coast of NSW Australia!
  14. C

    If you had your time over again?

    My original post was a little self serving and a cheap shot at my darling wife. We were both in a position where we needed new cars. My 17 year old hilux had a heartattack and sadly passed away. Her Hyundai had worked hard and was due for replacement. I chose the MG ZS EV and received it two...
  15. C

    External Noise Generator

    I was that confident , I went and checked - you are right the pedestrian alert was turned on. The information in my book is on page 133 (basically says the same). But all that aside, it has never made a noise. Next question - do you need a pedestrian for it to operate. Not indicated in the...
  16. C

    External Noise Generator

    No, not the case. Mine does not make any noise at low speed. Forward or reverse. I reverse it into the garage every day with not a peep. I will re-engage everything I turned off to see if it does make a noise, but I am beginning to doubt it.
  17. C

    I’m gonna sleep in my car with aircon running all night if the weather don’t change soon!

    Must be the breed of dog, mine won't go outside unless it is 30 degrees!
  18. C

    External Noise Generator

    I was surprised when I heard that the car made a noise at low speed to warn pedestrians. As it turns out I have had mine disabled since I bought the car. Mind you, we don't have many pedestrians to worry about - although might scare the kangaroos off the road.
  19. C

    I’m gonna sleep in my car with aircon running all night if the weather don’t change soon!

    So I can feel a little sympathy, how hot are we talking about? We, of course, are in the middle of winter.
  20. C

    If you had your time over again?

    The reason I made the original post was that a friend of mine was considering buying an MG PHEV. We talked about the concerns a lot of people have about the quality of vehicles built in China. I told him of my experience and spoke about the great information I was able to get from this forum...
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