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  1. C

    If you had your time over again?

    I'm starting to feel a little better. So far 5 for and 1 against (not including LeoRBK I'll only give that a 50/50). I am happy to see there are a number of people out there who have the same feeling I have, about the car and the forum. I really agree with the following - I felt the same way...
  2. C

    If you had your time over again?

    I keep up with the information on the forum - I regularly check on topics which help me with understanding the car a little better. If you were new to the purchasing of a EV thing, reading this forum could put you off. Great detail, great information, but as a general overview, lots of...
  3. C

    What is normal

    I have now had the MG for over three months. For most of that time my 12 volt battery remained steady at 14 volts - start the vehicle 14 volts, drive the vehicle 14 volts. Recently I have noticed that the battery reading is down to 13 volts when I start the vehicle and it does not rise to 14...
  4. C

    Battery balancing

    To be honest I am fascinated by the technical knowledge and commitment to detail demonstrated by the contributors to this forum. I bought the car because I like to drive it, and it suits my daily driving needs. After reading this forum for a while and taking what I think seems like reasonable...
  5. C

    Battery balancing

    My estimation of charging time was about 10 - 11 hours to get to 100%. Based on that the balancing component took less than 2 hours.
  6. C

    Battery balancing

    That seems to be the case, which is a bit silly. One would think you could isolate the fan from the AC. I use the fan a fair bit to demist the windscreen without the need for the AC.
  7. C

    Battery balancing

    I was told earlier that the MG badge would glow while balancing and turn off when it is finished. From what you are saying that may not be the case?
  8. C

    Battery balancing

    Feel free to correct all things EV. You are perfectly correct it is kWh's - things to do with the car are measured in kWh's - importantly they are the things I pay for. As an Electrical Engineer you may be able to tell me, someone who knows nothing about electricity. When you turn on the air...
  9. C

    Battery balancing

    Thankyou for the information - I finally went through the charge and balance process last night. Everything you said was very good. The process took 12 hours 40 minutes, using my charger on 15 Amps. From 59 kilometers to 100% (273 kilometers) it required 33.5 kilowatts with the final voltage...
  10. C

    Battery balancing

    Thankyou for the advice. Because I have never been there before, if I charge to 100% will the vehicle tell me it is balancing? The next question is, if it doesn't need balancing, will it just stop?
  11. C

    Battery balancing

    Based on a number of discussion points on this forum, it was recommended not to charge the car to 100% except when there was a need for full charge (long trip etc). Most suggestions recommended a charge up to 80 to 90% - also suggesting not to allow the vehicle to discharge too low. No, I...
  12. C

    Battery balancing

    I've had my MG for nearly three months now and have travelled about 3500 kms. I have never charged it to 100%, and I have only ever charged it using 15amps input from my charger. A simple question, do I wait until it tells me to do a battery balance, or do I charge it to 100% and try and make...
  13. C

    My odometer miles drive are 25% greater than battery miles used

    I have been monitoring my kilometers travelled against my predicted distance for a little while now. A simple example is yesterday, I travelled exactly 50 kilometers on the odometer. My remaining kilometers on the GOM indicated I had only used 46 kilometers. I average 15 kilowatts per hundred...
  14. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    I'm guessing that is a soccer thing - we don't play much soccer here, all that tripping, diving, falling over looks dangerous.
  15. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    I'm guessing we in Australia are special so we get the badges! Or perhaps we just like shiny things.
  16. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    Not so, I have a white MG ZS EV and it does not have a pilot badge on it.
  17. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    My wife is looking at a new MS HS Phev. Went to the dealer this morning to have a test drive - drove a sky blue one, with guess what, a pilot badge on the left rear. No other car in the yard had a pilot badge. The mystery deepens!
  18. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    Spoke to nice bloke yesterday, parked in the main street. Picked up his car yesterday - sky blue MG EV - guess what, has a pilot badge on the left rear. Pretty sure he did not add it.
  19. C

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    After a little more research, it seems the badge only appears on the sky blue EV's. Not sure why that is - maybe wrong but that appears to be the case.
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