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  1. Marcad

    MG5 Roof rails decorative only

    I don't think the integrity of the roof has ever been in question, just the rails fitted to the exclusive.
  2. Marcad

    Range Extension

    This one, it was used at the start of the 2021 ZS release update in India, Pinner High Street I think!
  3. Marcad

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 15th February 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Hi Compostpeat, I think it is simply Benedict Cumberbatch is well known in India, or Pinner high Street is the height of elegance in India. There is talk about new battery tech and also the way India measures the range. Worth a mention on Monday though I agree. EDIT: Benedict (name corrected)
  4. Marcad

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 15th February 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Hi Compostpeat, that advert was for the 2021 Release update of the India model and not for the UK market, I know that sounds strange but it is marketing and nothing to do with the UK/European models.
  5. Marcad

    Severe winter usage report

    Check the manual under maintenance, changing wiper blades, there is a bit in there about putting the blades into service mode.
  6. Marcad

    Low speed wind noise - roof bars?

    And yet a Danish report says "Recent research has shown that electric cars are around 40 per cent more likely to be involved in a collision with a pedestrian than a traditional car." It all depends how you approach the subject and what conditions you set, but I have a feeling we all know this...
  7. Marcad

    ZS EV Facelift India

    Isn't the whole issue down to the European GDPR regs? I did note Dominic managed to access the app from Pinner High Street ;):giggle:
  8. Marcad


    I think the Niro and Soul are the same RND
  9. Marcad

    ZS EV Facelift India

    The launch in India of the 2021 ZS EV has happened. Interesting advert at the beginning, almost thought we were getting the app:rolleyes: Not a lot of change, no climate control but higher ride height and an increased range from a 44.5kWt HT battery claiming 419km on a single charge with, they...
  10. Marcad

    ZS EV Facelift India

    I have read that there is a new facelift model of the ZS EV coming out tomorrow in India, Whilst we, in Europe are well behind them in terms of spec, no app and not configured for internet it will point us at where the styling is going. I note they state it will have a 10.1 floating infotainment...
  11. Marcad

    MG ZS EV Interior Work Light

    You could start here Alan, who did these YT videos is also a member of this Forum.
  12. Marcad

    Shark fin aerial on ZS EV in India

    Parker? Yes ma'lady
  13. Marcad

    New MG5 picked up and very impressed

    I think a sticker with words Volts Wagon by MG on it:D
  14. Marcad

    New MG5 picked up and very impressed

    I suppose you could get a vinyl strip made up with something amusing or witty? edit There is no specified legal size other than an absolute minimum margin of 11mm producing a minimum height of 101mm (one line) and 199mm (2 line) on cars, and 86mm for one line import vehicles Stolen from wiki...
  15. Marcad

    Condensation in rear light clusters

    Good luck
  16. Marcad

    Condensation in rear light clusters

    I have LEDs in my Historic but that is due to having a dynamo, and less current draw, main light bulbs are halogen changed by a PO. I updated the wiring for those. But being Historic I can put anything I like in there as there is no E mark. It is about choosing the right bulb for the job.
  17. Marcad

    Condensation in rear light clusters

    There are lots of YT videos about sealing rear light clusters and plenty of liquid rubber products silicon will do the same thing but the warranty is transferable isn't it, so take it to a main dealer.
  18. Marcad

    Cruise Control with Speed Limiter. Not any more...

    My Ford has that as well, used it twice in 6 years
  19. Marcad

    Can someone steal an MG5 while it's preheating? [Video]

    But in the video doesn't he say you can't drive it as the key is missing? so with a tethered cable and not being able to drive the car away all that's left is the cars contents. I have children so that's old crisp wrappers, muddy foot prints and things I can't even describe! The thief is welcome...
  20. Marcad

    Interesting accessories podcast...

    Is that Alan Kemp's old car? He did some YT videos about the led interior lights. He has a 5 now I think, he also did the roof rail YT Clip as well
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