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  1. Conrad3

    First Long Journey

    Agree with Robf I think the electroverse car/app is an essential we used it to find a charger a few miles from our recent trip to Disneyland Paris an charged from 29 to 60 in 20 minutes (Fastned) Also used it to top up after getting g off the eurotunnel on our return amused an IONITY charger...
  2. Conrad3

    Best charging speed you've seen so far?

    I didn’t look when I did mine but arrived at an IONITY 350kW charger with 21% and got to 84% in 39 mins on my ZSLR trophy
  3. Conrad3

    SAIC to get 38,1% duty in EU

    Not just Chinese makers either also includes BMW cars that are built in China
  4. Conrad3

    What runs what

    Thanks everyone
  5. Conrad3

    What runs what

    Silly question What does the 12V battery run and what does the electric run Wife wants to know so she knows what doesn’t run the electric charge down to reduce mileage
  6. Conrad3

    MG ZS Mk II Tesla Charging Software update

    Working fine at Trumpington park and ride 24 plate delivered to us Tuesday
  7. Conrad3

    Charging cable

    Thank you
  8. Conrad3

    Charging cable

    Mine was on Motobility and us the long range trophy only 3 pin supplied
  9. Conrad3

    Charging cable

    Hi all Should my new 24 plate have come with a charging cable or just a 3 pin plug one
  10. Conrad3

    MG ZS Mk II Tesla Charging Software update

    That’s quite funny then as it shows a public one at the Tesla dealers in Northampton
  11. Conrad3

    Aurora watch

  12. Conrad3

    Aurora watch

    This is in Milton Keynes
  13. Conrad3

    MG ZS Mk II Tesla Charging Software update

    Same as knowing if the charger has been made open to others.
  14. Conrad3

    Say Hello

    Hi all The MG ZSEV trophy long range will be our first ev vehicle so a big leap into the unknown had a test drive and was very happy with it. Getting it in Battersea Blue and on Motorbility due to the wife’s illness.
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