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  1. I

    MG iSmart App Updated

    Agreed. Unbelievable!
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    Ever had the car fail to go into drive/reverse?

    I've never experienced this, although I have had it not register my first 'twist'. I've accidentally 'twisted' the wrong way a time or two and got quite a surprise :ROFLMAO:
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    MG4 Charging.....

    Does your car keep the target battery level you set? Mine seems to have a tendency to reset to 100% on its own (but not on every charge.)
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    Charging 10%-100% every 3-6 months

    Late to the party on this topic. Sorry! When battery balancing was discussed last year, I remember that the general consensus was that the 'trickle charge' on a Trophy LR after charging to a preset level (e.g. 80%) was the battery balancing at that level. Have we moved on from that...
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    Lane keeping assist

    I took my Trophy in this week with a long list of issues. They upgraded the infotainment to R46 and claim to have updated a number of modules. The service receptionist (who just passes on messages) claimed that the ACC dropping-out as you're overtaking is expected behaviour. Also the daylight...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    If I remember correctly, someone else mentioned it in the forum a week or two ago. Presumably the car perceives a hazard. I had a full page of A4. I thought I'd covered all bases. What did I miss? (Incidentally, I upgraded the maps while on R33).
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    So what's the latest Trophy infotainment version this week? I took my car in today with 14 month's worth of bug reports and a "Please update central display software" and they've installed R46. One of my complaints was that ACC can suddenly out drop as you're overtaking. At the default regen...
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    Battery health after 1 year?

    Me too :mad: It was just recorded on the checklist as ‘OK’.
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    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    It was worse than I thought. The ‘excuse’ for the dealer not renewing my MG Assistance cover is a knock-on effect of it not been registered correctly last year. (Although it’s difficult to understand how they didn’t notice last year’s error on this year’s renewal :unsure::rolleyes:).
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    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    I see it more as a charge for the 1 year MG Assistance cover (Just a shame the dealer didn't register it :cautious:. I'll have to phone to follow-up on Monday)
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I did the same as you with my local dealer at the beginning of this month. They didn't look at any of the items on my list as they had only scheduled time for the Service. The Service Receptionist told me that the Infotainment software had been updated but it hadn't. I also discovered...
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    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    So I tried that number today to make a 'bug fix' booking, since they failed to do investigate my list of faults I provided when I took the car for its first service. Unfortunately the new number took me to the Head Office call centre again. I was asked what issues needed attention so I said I...
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    MG4 service - what is covered? Low vs high mileage

    My local dealer publishes two local numbers; one for car sales and one for service. I phoned their service one and it went straight to their central (head office?) booking system. After they completed the service they phoned to tell me it was ready for collection so now I have a third number to try.
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    Bad satnav worse than no satnav

    I think you misinterpreted my comment (or maybe I used a poor turn of phrase) ;) What I meant was that I didn't know which towns it was taking me through, not that I wasn't keeping an eye on the signage. The nice satnav 'lady' gives instructions such as 'take the turn indicated'...a) I don't...
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    Bad satnav worse than no satnav

    I recently went on my first long journey in my Trophy but didn't check my route beforehand. Why would I when I have the satnav? It took me through the centre of various towns rather than the available bypasses.
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    “Fast Charging” - at 3.6kW or less

    Perhaps another issue to consider: I only have a single phase cable myself as I expected that I would be mostly charging at home, otherwise most likely to use 'destination' chargers with a higher capacity and integral cable. I thought that a 3-phase cable was likely to be thicker and more...
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    No. More like a repetitive clunking sound. It must have continued for the best part of 10 seconds or so.
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    I went for my first long journey (200 miles return) last week. On pulling off the motorway and pulling up at the traffic lights I heard what I can only describe as sounding like a sack of squabbling ferrets under the car. I've no idea what it was, but the only thing I can think of is the...
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    Highest Average Somehow....

    I recently did a return trip between Milton Keynes and Chippenham. I took it carefully on the return leg as I was under 50% when I arrived at my destination. Once I'd recharged on my return, my range was 320 miles :)
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    How many campaign updates have there been? I’ve only been offered SCUK001 but the service receptionist couldn’t tell me hat this was for.
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