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  1. D

    MG4 Granny Charge versus Public Charge Until Wallbox Installed

    That all sounds sensible, but when you don't need the charge to finish by a given time I would still choose a lower setting.
  2. D

    MG4 just got towed, will it still work?

    I think we're going to have to wait for @Coulomb come back on this one for any kind of answer I'd trust. My guess would be that when in neutral the motor controller produces a field to match that produced by the motor being driven by the wheels at the current speed. Perhaps in ICE car terms it...
  3. D

    Having trouble navigating this forum

    That's what I do 99% of the time. On the top left of each page clicking on the big 'MG EVs Community' logo thing in white takes you back to the top level of all the sub forums. From there I normally go to MG electric car forums, and then to MG4 EV forum. The items in bold are threads which have...
  4. D

    Campaign for adding "Camping Mode" to MG4

    Yes, I would just do that if the car was out of warranty, but I don't want to give MG any reason to quibble should they poke around near the BCM during a warranty investigation. I only have a mild interest in this for myself so am really only interested in a software fix. If the fix involves...
  5. D

    Campaign for adding "Camping Mode" to MG4

    Yes, behind the scenes quite a few of the systems would turn themselves on, but you wouldn't be able to do things like ready mode on by pressing the brake pedal etc. Given the V2L level is to protect your ability to drive away at some point, the same setting could be used. That makes sense...
  6. D

    Campaign for adding "Camping Mode" to MG4

    If the request for a DRL off function doesn't get anywhere, then would an ability to simply allow the AC to be used when the car is turned off satisfy many users needs? There would probably need to be a warning about battery use to the user each time it was turned on from this mode though, and...
  7. D

    "mileage" disappointment or there's wrong/normal here?

    The graph of consumption over the last 50km seems to give highly dubious results whenever I've looked at it. Even at a constant car speed, wind speed, elevation and temperature with no aircon on, it often gives a regular set of significant peaks and troughs. However I do agree that the graph...
  8. D

    What have you got, that's lasted you for years and years. ??

    Hammer and set of chisels I was given for my 6th birthday ?. Surprisingly I've still got all my fingers and thumbs too from a few years earlier ??
  9. D

    Great day out with your MG? Post up a picture ?

    OK I give up. What lives in a hanger in Somerset and burns the same amount of fuel as a 1980s Lada ?
  10. D

    Great day out with your MG? Post up a picture ?

    60 years ago you could have driven on to a Bristol Freighter and flown over to Jersey with your car. That would have been a great day out.
  11. D

    New Phone Procedure?

    Yep, just install the app, and enter your details. The old phone may get a notification that it has been logged out. It's fine to have more than one device with the app on, but only one will be logged in at any one time.
  12. D

    MG4 internet, data limits

    I was told by an MG tech that the car had 2 sims (or esims). Nobody else has corroborated this so I was thinking it may have just been him getting confused between all the different makes and models he serviced. It would make sense to have one for the important low bandwidth stuff such as eSOS...
  13. D

    New MG4 owner... any tips?!

    The unwanted heat is mostly around the contacts, so every extra bit you plug in will generate some extra heat (and lose a little bit of charging speed). It may be worth finding out a if surge protector is a useful addition or not. They are definitely useful if you come in from long journey in...
  14. D

    Not proud of it, but hit 0% battery range a mile from home and made it back!!!!

    Quite an interesting backgrounder, thanks. A lot of the article deals with conversion of SoC to range which most EV drivers who read around the subject get to grips with quite quickly. But there are some useful nuggets of information throughout and also some numbers to put the different...
  15. D

    Not proud of it, but hit 0% battery range a mile from home and made it back!!!!

    You would hope that is the case for the most recent designs, especially for LFP batteries. For older designs they could be more basic, e.g. they could spot the high and low thresholds and use a standard curve in between. Maybe with the smaller batteries they assume you'll reach the low...
  16. D

    Not proud of it, but hit 0% battery range a mile from home and made it back!!!!

    Does the manual for the car mention doing full calibration charges (10 - 100%) every 3 to 6 months as well as the more frequent conditioning / balancing charge to 100% ? If not, doing the calibration charge may have no effect on your car. On the MG4 the calibration only improves the accuracy...
  17. D

    Tesla Supercharger Open to all ---contactless???

    I can't work it out from the app but the new ones just opened at Preston South are probably contactless too. The South bit doesn't seem to mean South bound only as they are just off J29 for the A6, (not J29 for the M65). They are however to the South of Preston. I might just make it in one go...
  18. D

    Car broken in to - how?

    The SE with whatever software versions I have only notifies on the car starting to move or on faults, so even if it had been locked I'm not sure a notification would have been sent.
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    Wife induced accident

    Check how well the magnet sticks to another 50 cent coin first.
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    Illegal Invasion Alarm.

    I've never had it go off if I actively do a disconnect before exiting carscanner. It's still better to remove it though.
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