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    Have you fitted side steps on your ZS EV

    I have been looking in to this here in the UK mainly for me to protect the panel work from other car drivers opening their car doors against it . My last car a Skoda Octavia every dent on the vehicle was caused by other people's doors ? I contacted a company here Direct 4x4 that advertise...
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    Project OBD2 - Mobile App v1.2.1 and later

    Yes ? Now we have the App (which we all hope is reasonable accurate) and your excellent spreadsheet it's good to have a reference point that as all our car's milage and age increases we can visually see any changes that may occur and also how any further BMS updates alter the HV battery peramiters ?
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    Project OBD2 - Mobile App v1.2.1 and later

    Fully charged my car at work today on the granny charger , here's my SOC screenshot.
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    ECU Module version spreadsheet

    Yes I was going to mention that ? as the excite has a different HVAC head unit compared to the exclusive .
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    Noise from Motor or Transmission.

    Yes my car is the same , I had a demo ZS EV when my car was in for some work which had 500 miles on it and it also had the same noise as described. My car has now done 10,000 miles and the noise is still the same as when I first noticed it ( not any worse ) . It does sound like it's a noise that...
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    ECU Module version spreadsheet

    I think your right about the BMS being the original pre 12/2019 as it will only charge AC with doors locked not tried timed charging yet but I am guessing it won't work . When it goes in for the next service I am reluctant to have any new BMS update as I am quite happy with the BMS as it is ...
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    Project OBD2 - Mobile App v1.2.1 and later

    Here are my screenshots , my car is a September 2019 Excite ex demo , the comfort 2 update was done in September 2020 along with the first service , I bought the car in July 2020 and it's coming up to 10,000 miles now. Have had no issues with charging or range it's all been as expected ?
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    Project OBD2 - Mobile App v1.2.1 and later

    I had a bluetooth obd adapter which I bought a while ago when I was thinking of buying a Mitsubishi Outlander Phev which is a Vgate Icar Pro. Downloaded the app listed on this thread today plugged in the obd adapter and it worked straight away . So very pleased there is some very useful an...
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    A few of us on this forum have had this happen , not all the time just occasionally mine will drop 20 miles . if I drive off I know the missing miles are still there as I can drive a few miles before the GOM starts dropping at its normal rate or I can power down and back up again and sometimes...
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    Heater ticking

    Don't worry about using the A/C in the MG ZS EV if you need it or your windows mist up . It's pretty efficient watch Bjorn Nylands video
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    Heater ticking

    Mine is the same , going to have a look when it gets a bit warmer . I only notice it when stationary , on the move I don't hear it .
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    Shark fin aerial on ZS EV in India

    I swopped my aerial with the wife's Kia Rio ? which is a shorter aerial, as my car lives in the garage , had to remember to remove it each time i reversed in , has not affected reception on either car and it was free ?
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    HV Heating and Cooling

    I was having a play with my A/C and heating at the weekend , looking at the amp meter on the car which may not be that accurate the A/C has a very low draw on the battery , I think Bjorn Nyland said you could have the A/C on for over 40 hours with a full battery . I believe the Mgzsev has a PTC...
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    Creaking from the back.

    I stuck it to the inside front edge of the plastic trim and the edge of the dash that the A Pillar trim slots into , the door seal rubber holds the back edge of the trim . Don't use a dense foam draught excluder as it may make it more difficult to slot back in the dash , but it worked for me ?
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    Creaking from the back.

    Did my A Pillar trims a couple of weeks ago , there is only one trim clip that holds it on in the middle but there is a small plastic strap at the top (which I guess is to stop the trim flying off if air bags are deployed) it is a bit fiddly to slide out , I used pin nose pliers . I stuck 10 mm...
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    Very efficient car

    Sorry my video link should have gone in the GOM accuracy thread ☹️
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    Very efficient car

    Found this YouTube video quite interesting from carwow , driving 6 electric cars till their drive battery runs out completely , unfortunately the MG ZS ev is not one of them. hope the link works ?
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    Range changes sometimes.

    Yes ? I only drive in normal mode anyway unless I am going on a long journey , for me I know the 20 odd missing miles are still there or some times I can power off and power on again and the miles reappear. It's probably happened 7 to 8 times in 3000 miles so not a problem for me ? I think...
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    Range changes sometimes.

    Yes , mine does this sometimes I will park up and maybe have 70 mile's of range left come out the next morning or a few hours later or even a few minutes later and the range is 50 miles or always 20 miles less , but for a short while with 50 miles showing I can normally travel around 4 miles and...
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    Plasticky creaking/clicking sound at low speed from A-pillar area and across the top of the dashboard

    My car has the same clicking/creaking noise across the dash , when my car was in for repair the demo car that I borrowed also had the same noise but worse than mine. It's good to know there's a fix for it ? , I will have a look myself at some point.
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