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  1. S

    Zappi shows "Charging delayed"

    FYI the principle of the slider is to change how much imported energy the charger is allowed to use in ECO+ mode. At 100% the charger will only charge when you have more than 1.4kW excess. At 50% it will charge if there’s more than 0.7kW excess, and so on. In practice, the higher you set the...
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    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    Does this trigger any ‘charging flap open’ warning message on the screen?
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    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    When in Drive, a further twist of the gear selector puts it into Sport, for overtaking
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    Charge Port door not opening

    The only useful thing I can offer is that when it happened to mine, the dealer was able to open it somehow. We then left it permanently unlocked by removing the locking pin on the charge port door, until a replacement unit could be ordered
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    Car ignores charge limit

    After my own CCU change the dealer tried many things to fix the charge limit problem, unsuccessfully. Eventually MG UK sent a technician and the thing that fixed it was updating to the latest software version. I was previously on R46, now on latest (R59 IIRC). All works as expected now.
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    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    I’ve now tried it 5 times, on one occasion the charge stopped within seconds but the other times it charged continuously for several hours without fault, until either I stopped the charge myself or the scheduled 7kW charge came on, which then quickly faulted out again.
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    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Mine is going in for inspection in a week or so, but one interesting thing I found is that if I use the Zappi on eco mode, which charges at 1.5kW, it doesn’t cut out. But as soon as I switch to 7kW it stops very quickly. In the chart from the snip attached, I’m charging for a number of hours at...
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    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Unfortunately mine seems to have also started this behaviour this week. MG4 Trophy Registered March 23 (phase 1) Charger Zappi v2.1, event log shows the charge is being stopped by the car (‘charge delayed’)
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    Help with My Lane Keep Assist Solution

    The DVSA also has a service for you to report issues that you believe are genuinely dangerous. I’d recommend doing that as the most formal way to record the incident.
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    Boot Liner - Anyone bought one and recommend?

    I bought the mats only, and confirm they fit the trophy perfectly. Like you, my first impressions are that they’re very well designed, and overall way higher quality and function than the OEM ones.
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    Heating problem

    I have a trophy and note the issue seems to be linked to outside temperature. In summer I set it to 23c and it keeps blowing cold even when actual temp is lower. On cold days now, the same setting continuously pumps super hot air until it’s unbearable
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thanks, I was personally told last week that R46 wasn't relevant to phase 1 cars by the dealer, so it's good to know that's not the case
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Really interesting, because we've been told as recently as last week that R46 isn't applicable to phase 1 cars. Could I ask if you're quite sure that's the software version that was loaded?
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I agree that everyone should contact MG UK directly, as I have done. You just have to appreciate that MG UK will essentially deny knowledge of the problem, tell you to speak to the dealer, and provide nothing more than a source of frustration. Personally, I am not even convinced that the...
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    Trophy Charge Limit Changes Automatically

    I've found that the charge level resets if the infotainment system reboots, or starts abnormally as it does every few days - it only boots up after I've been driving for a few seconds.
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    Digital key saved the day

    In my trophy when I try this it says 'success' but then nothing happens, I still get the 'key not present'
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    Windscreen wipers

    I noticed yesterday that mine hit the underside of the bonnet, but make a decent spray on the windscreen. Given that it looks like they're directly behind the wipers, I'm now wondering if this is how they're designed to work
  18. S

    Bluetooth bug, pairing constantly

    I reported it to my dealer and they told me that it's all the phones that are the problem (!) One good question is whether this issue affects all models. There is a suggestion above it may only be Trophy software (like mine) affected. Does anyone who has this bluetooth dropping problem have an SE?
  19. S

    Lane Keep Assist feature

    I believe from my own experience and reading around there may be two levels of steering. LKA is the nudge you refer to, whereas ELK is less frequent but more aggressive and was really quite alarming the one time it kicked in. NCAP have descriptions of the two systems which would seem to support.
  20. S

    MG4 service plan

    Great deal. Would you share which dealer?
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