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  1. bedsev

    Should I get an Xpower?

    Did my first launch control launch today for a few months, at lights in a 30 zone with average speed cameras and into a bus lane that allows ULEV. 0-30 in 1 and then sail past the ice standing traffic, lol, love it.
  2. bedsev

    Xpower Insurance

    Keep an eye out for ev Brucie bonuses too, my admiral came with free subscription to bp pulse, saving 6.99 per month and run out of charge recovery
  3. bedsev

    Have I made a terrible mistake?

    Welcome. You'll do that easily, prob charging every 3 days if you are prepared to enter the 30% slow zone :-)
  4. bedsev

    Eco Mode: Single Motor mode?

    I've tried my hardest and I can't get the front motor to come on in eco, I bet I could do a doughnut with the traction off
  5. bedsev

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    I can contribute without incriminating myself as I love smoking people off the lights up to the speed limit, even if it's 30! I've had all sorts, RS3, S4, A63 + loads of "boy racer" style sub 300 bhp triers. The only thing I'd worry about would be another quick EV.
  6. bedsev

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    My mates loved an Orion push
  7. bedsev

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    bloody hell, I would not have been calm (but then when I was young and poor I did run out of petrol a lot)
  8. bedsev

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I turned my colour bars off in settings
  9. bedsev

    Xpower - 12 months on

    Did a quick test of this tonight, hit the button on the door, jumped in, brake on, into drive and away. About 2 seconds. Not even a winge about systems not being available either. You definately do not need to wait for everything to boot up. Not sure if I'd have been able to change modes etc...
  10. bedsev

    Re-enabling ACC During a Trip

    answers above if it does turn off, but you can come to a complete stop with it still on and it will pull away again once the traffic moves on
  11. bedsev

    Stop Looking At My Car!!!

    I recommend SONAX XTREME Tyre gloss gel 500ML - Sonax
  12. bedsev

    Running low and need to charge for the first time not at home

    I've linked my electroverse card with my octopus account so I think in theroy the charge should appear on my energy bill at end of month.
  13. bedsev

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    I went for a run out with my mate in his T3 performance and what he noticed was that it came down to reaction times, by the time he'd realised I'd hit the gas it was too late. T3s wet grip traction control is a lot better than mg. He drove mine too and really liked the rawness of it vs Tesla.
  14. bedsev

    XPower (only) colour POLL

    I'm green, but regret it a bit. Don't get me wrong, it's a massive conversation starter, which is nice, but I didn't realise much I love to buff gloss. Red should have been my choice.
  15. bedsev

    MG4 SE vs Long Range - Battery Technology

    Just chipping in on the DC charging speed, whilst 145 is great if you are in a hurry (it doesn't stay at 145 very long, drops quite a lot after 60%), I've actually had times where its too fast especially if you want to eat whilst charging and there's overstay charges. Tesla is £1 a minute, so...
  16. bedsev

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    My first launch control launch was in MK, my daughter compared it to Rita at Alton Towers
  17. bedsev

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    Mine was £549 with Admiral, but came with free BP pulse subscription so that's saved a bit as I public charge
  18. bedsev

    Anyone wash their car today? ?

    Chris inspired me to check and rotate my tyres today, fronts were 5.5mm rear 4.5mm after 6500 miles. Went for a more central jack point to lift both wheels. I know there's little arrows but I couldn't see anything to suggest that it was more reenforced there. No damage done further along anyway.
  19. bedsev

    Quick toggle between ACC and TJA

    Not available on r40
  20. bedsev

    Cleaning Matte Green Paint.

    As much as the matte is doing my head in, I think it looks better matte. Reminds me of this:
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