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  1. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    I thought it was unlimited, and having an autistic 9 year old, that would've been great. I came to the end of my phone contract, so just took one out with ID mobile, for unlimited data, just before we went on holiday, and it was great. Connected the car to it as well, so everything worked...
  2. MangoQPR

    I particularly like the autobrake when drivers door's open.

    Some of us have been Kylie fans since the start! Anyway, glad the wife doesn't know about this forum!! Had one myself the other evening, where I was driving along, and instead of accelerating away the car just seemed to slow itself... I wondered what was happening, until I realised that my foot...
  3. MangoQPR

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    There was a grey Trophy in a charger at the Toby in Poole on Saturday. Was going to charge as well, but that was the only point available! Didn't hang around to say hi, but it was very nice! Have seen quite a few on my jaunt around Dorset, including a lady in Red who gave me a wave!
  4. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    My phone connects to the car hotspot, but without Internet access. Turning the car WiFi option off makes no difference to this either. I have tried setting DNS to and but this doesn't help either. There were no changes to my car in the 2 weeks or so that I had it, and it...
  5. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Does anyone actually have working data then? If so, what are your settings? If not, what are you doing about it? Has anyone contacted MG about this issue, and are they even aware that it's happening? Slightly concerned as I was looking forward to a 4 hour journey, and not having phone data...
  6. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Sadly, that doesn't connect either... Has anyone tried a factory reset on this? Did it work? If they have, how long does it take and what will I lose?
  7. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Has anyone found a better fix for this than I have entered Google DNS, but this has not resolved the issue of no internet in the car, and I have a 4hr drive, next Friday, with my wife and daughter to look forward to...
  8. MangoQPR

    What do you think is the cheapest feeling part of MG4

    My previous car was a 2009 Jaguar XF, so I'm used to the rotary gear select, and to be honest, the quality is not much different. Yeah, the Jag is probably a bit sturdier, but not by much!
  9. MangoQPR

    Driving for fun?

    Yesterday evening, my 9 year old daughter and I were in the car, dropping my wife and MiL at the hospital to see my FiL who's quite ill, at the moment. After drop-off, my daughter said, 'Can we go for a drive, dad?' Best 7 words I've heard in a while! Back lanes all around and a lovely little...
  10. MangoQPR

    MG4 Adaptive Cruise seems very nervous?

    So, almost 2 weeks in... I've found using ACC to be really quite nice. Yes, it can decelerate quickly, and it doesn't pick up as quickly as I'd like, but around town, it seems to be a nice ride. Driving along the A14, things get a little different. If someone pulls in front of me, it'll slow...
  11. MangoQPR

    iSmart Update on Android

    Sorry, I'm pretty new here, as only had my Smurf for a week... That's my excuse, anyway!
  12. MangoQPR

    iSmart Update on Android

    Unlocking and locking seems to have done the trick! Thanks @CooperS !
  13. MangoQPR

    iSmart Update on Android

    Morning all, I thought I'd keep this separate from the iOS thread. Updated to the new version this morning and as lovely as it looks, it appears to have knocked out my connection to the car. I get a message that the digital key activation has failed, and when I try to activate, nothing...
  14. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Looks like it's back!
  15. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    I was getting weather updates, earlier, but no actual connection...
  16. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    It turns the wireless off and then back on again... you can tell I work in IT!!
  17. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    When I go into wireless hot-spot, you can see the wireless frequencies. Those are the ones I toggled. It looked to have worked earlier but not now
  18. MangoQPR

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Experienced this earlier today. Toggled the frequency settings and that seemed to work. Now, not so much... although it looks like 4G has just come back...
  19. MangoQPR

    Waiting on my MG4 Trophy

    It is a bit mad, isn't it? You stop, and have nothing to do except get out and lock the door and car turns off. Was hard to get my head around, at first, but I'm slowly getting it!
  20. MangoQPR

    Waiting on my MG4 Trophy

    You can go into the car icon, then it's the last icon on the right, and there is a power off switch! The joys of spending all those hours watching YouTube videos, whilst waiting for my delivery! You can also turn the indicator sound down, so it's not quite so obtrusive!
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