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  1. Rohnstrom

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    I do not drive an MG4 but an MG3 and I think it is called ICA
  2. Rohnstrom

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    I so agree with you!! I so much do not like LKA. It is dangerous when you do not switch it of. And have to do so every time. Indeed driving in the country is hellish. "Take control of your vehicle". I AM in control of the vehicle. MG pilot is never switched on. I do never use ICA or ACC.
  3. Rohnstrom

    MG3 Hybrid Navigation Speed Icon

    How can one change the sound level of the speed camera detection?
  4. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    Aha! I am 73! Well anyway, the advise would be never to use line assist? Greetings from the Netherlands!
  5. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    This is brilliant! You made this lady very happy! One question: do you think that line assist can be responsible for the warning I started the thread for?
  6. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    Can you send me a link to your user guide video's? Thank you!
  7. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    Interesting! Where do I find setting to switch off permanently? Only got my car for less than a week ☺
  8. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    I read that too. I had an emergency service have a look and he said it has to do with lane assist on a street with no middle line going over 60 km per hour. That may have been the case. I think it had to do with lane assist driving on a street with no middle line. I now switched off lane assist...
  9. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    Hi I just got my MG3 Hybrid. I now got the message"please take control of vehicle" in red on display. Steering was heavy. After slowing down the message disappeared. Anyone has this message? Storm
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