Vehicle to Load (V2L) is not connecting a 12V DC to 230 AC 'Sine wave' converter.
V2L is a plug in to the front where you charge up the car - at the end of the cable is a 13A 3 Pin Socket
I use mine to make tea on a long journey or if we are having a picnic - with a low wattage kettle.
This is for a right hand drive car - your left hand one should be a mirror image.
Yes, this is for a different MG but the MG5 EV OBD port is in the same place
I find that if the lights are set at 'AUTO' then the icon shows on the screen and the auto full/dip works
but if you turn on the lights manually to headlamps - during the day for example - then the auto will not show/work.
I've the same issue - and it's annoying - You can not make any changes or do anything else but use the phone - maybe it's a built in bluetooth limitation - I don't know - I thought that it would be resolved in the software but maybe not enough of us tell the company about it.
Well it didn't and I spent some time at that - but eventually found it marked on a charging forum - so just so as others are aware.
I've just checked the Tesla app and it just says 8 of 8 stalls available - 250kW max
I was thinking of replacing it with a smaller rest but I did not - it's now just blank.
I couldn't rest my left leg with that large 'rest' in place -
Ok - the car is ideal for shorter people than me - I'm over 183cm (6 foot) and therefore I could not stretch out my left leg - now it's not too...
Oh OK - In my case I just fitted a cable suitable to carry 32A back to a RCBO/Trip Switch suitable for that current.
The cable runs from the main 'fuse board' out to the front porch.
I did use the 13A cable out to the 'granny charger'.
That charger had no issues with rain or storms.
In my situation I've come across a bank of Tesla chargers that have 4 for Tesla Only and the other 4 will work Tesla or Any EV - It might be worth your while trying a different Tesla supercharger or contacting them directly.
You could get a 32A (Blue 'Commando' Camp site) socket installed instead.
Then get a charger similar in size to charge up at 7kW at night.
This one (or similar)
I found that my excessive tyre wear was due to 'Lane Keep Assist' being set to High Sensitivity - you can even feel the wheels 'seeking' left to right constantly whilst driving at high speed to keep the
Lane Centering in the centre of the lane.
Hi All,
I've changed my MG iSMART! Android App to show the '100 Years Theme Setting' and I think it would benefit others so I'm posting the info here.
To Turn it On/Off go into the Last Icon on the right hand side and you will see 'settings' - Then go into 'Theme Settings' (Shows 'White' by...
Mine was intermittent so I pushed the emergency button to test it.
Got answered and explained that I was just testing.
I didn't ask if it got through to China but I'd doubt it.
I think it's a great feature of the car - sure 'they know where I am' but so what.
At least if theres a serious...
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