
Digital audio is a representation of sound recorded in, or converted into, digital form. In digital audio, the sound wave of the audio signal is typically encoded as numerical samples in a continuous sequence. For example, in CD audio, samples are taken 44,100 times per second, each with 16-bit sample depth. Digital audio is also the name for the entire technology of sound recording and reproduction using audio signals that have been encoded in digital form. Following significant advances in digital audio technology during the 1970s and 1980s, it gradually replaced analog audio technology in many areas of audio engineering, record production and telecommunications in the 1990s and 2000s.
In a digital audio system, an analog electrical signal representing the sound is converted with an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) into a digital signal, typically using pulse-code modulation (PCM). This digital signal can then be recorded, edited, modified, and copied using computers, audio playback machines, and other digital tools. For playback, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) performs the reverse process, converting a digital signal back into an analog signal, which is then sent through an audio power amplifier and ultimately to a loudspeaker.
Digital audio systems may include compression, storage, processing, and transmission components. Conversion to a digital format allows convenient manipulation, storage, transmission, and retrieval of an audio signal. Unlike analog audio, in which making copies of a recording results in generation loss and degradation of signal quality, digital audio allows an infinite number of copies to be made without any degradation of signal quality.

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  1. K

    Phonecall audio isn't going through car speakers.

    Hi. I connect my phone to my car via Bluetooth. When the phone rings the ringtone comes through the car speakers, but when I pick up the call the audio reverts to the phone. The call audio doesn't come through the car speakers at all. I have tried unpairing and pairing the phone and had no luck...
  2. STJ73

    Music is fading in and out

    As above when I have music on ( via Spotify) and it's about 50% it seems to fade in and out at times! I thought it might be because of reading speed limit signs but I turned that off and no difference! Anyone else had this problem? Late 2023 trophy LR....
  3. S

    DAB symbol query

    What does the small landscape symbol that appears in the bottom right corner of the large transmitter mast symbol on the DAB display signify? Touching it changes it to a smaller version of the larger mast symbol but I can't hear any difference in the audio. I haven't found any reference to it...
  4. P

    Audio system overheating and stopping to work in MG HS PHEV

    Hi There, I have above car and when ever it gets very hot inside the audio system stops working. Has anyone else come across this problem?
  5. L


    Sometimes my radio just does nothing, doesn't play and shows no stations or saved favourites in either fm or DAB. Sometimes it comes on after a while but today my whole journey was in silence as it failed to work. Does anyone else have this problem and how can I fix it?
  6. S

    eCall SOS - terrible audio quality - garbled voices!

    I had the bad luck to need to call the emergency services while driving earlier today. I thought it would be a good idea to use the car's eCall SOS button, because it automatically transmits basic details about the car's location and would also save me having to handle my phone while driving...
  7. Gazzagaz

    Radio not working MG4 SR

    Anyone help, radio is there on the info system, but does not play. Volume right up, it changes stations, tried a reset holding the home button down for 10 seconds, restarts but still no radio. Both DAB & FM, any ideas would be appreciated
  8. L

    Audio issue with infotainment system while listening songs and answering calls

    Hello everyone, I am experiencing an audio issue with my infotainment system and I'm not sure if anyone else has encountered this problem. I typically listen to songs via KKBOX under Apple Play, and I have also connected my Android phone to the infotainment system via Bluetooth. However, after...
  9. robmjones86

    MG ZS EV Facelift - Audio on Video Not Working

    Hello: First post! I have an MG ZS EV facelift model, had it a week and loving it! Still working out kinks but one that has me stumped is the video from USB stick working for the visual, but no audio coming through. I have formatted the USB drive as FAT32 and NTFS, no difference. Do I need to...
  10. S

    Can't play YouTube audio via Bluetooth

    Hey guys, I can't get to play audio for YouTube or any other media via Bluetooth. Help Thanks
  11. mgillings

    Can device A play audio via Bluetooth whilst device B connected via CarPlay

    We have a 2021 MG5 EV. Is it possible to have one device connected via bluetooth whilst another device is connected via cable? My wife would like to have her Iphone plugged in so she can use satnav on touchscreen via CarPlay, and concurrently have kids' ipad audio playing through car speakers...
  12. D

    How to reset infotainment screen

    Radio stopped playing. I can select stations but nothing from speakers. Navigation audio ok. How do i reset infotainment screen?
  13. RayReliable

    Prioritise media audio

    Has anyone been bothered by or solved this issue? I use Apple CarPlay, it’s great, I like to use Waze for pothole warnings and it now supports EV routes. But when you use a navigation app the volume control on the steering wheel prioritises navigation volume and I have to resort to the actual...
  14. J

    Bluetooth audio.

    Can anyone give me an idea what I'm doing wrong. I've just picked up my HS and connected my phone to it via Bluetooth. I've followed instructions, YouTube videos... magic spells! Whatever I do I cant get the music button to open on the screen. It lights up so is connected but when I push it...
  15. J

    SRC Button

    Hello The audio on my MG5 Trophy keeps switching from whatever I am listening to (usually a DAB station) whenever my phone receives a text or anything. I have to push the SRC button to get back to what I was listening to. It's a nuisance. Doesn't happen on my MG ZS EV. I can find no settings to...
  16. W

    Data stick music and the MG5

    Hi Everyone we have just bought a brand new MG5. we have all our music on a data stick. does anybody know how we can play the music in the MG5? our thanks in anticipation. Bob and Di
  17. S

    Android Auto Google Map No Audio

    Hello everyone, I don't seem to be getting any voice audio when on Google Maps on android auto. Tried increacing media and voice audio, unmuting Google maps audio settings but still nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. A

    Manual re audio system?

    I set up a series of folders on a USB stick containing music, but the audio system just seems to have everything in one long list. Is there a way to navigate via the folders? Sorry to raise it, but I can't find the info in the manual.
  19. A

    Audio on power on

    When my MG5 Trophy is powered up the audio automatically comes on - defaulting to whatever was on last. I can press mute to stop it and have now set the volume to it's lowest setting so that it's not irritating. I much prefer the audio to stay off until I want it on, but can't find a setting -...
  20. T

    Playing music back from USB drive with large/long audio files

    Hi, I sometimes like to listen music / podcasts with files that are over 1hr long from the USB stick. While it works, I find that leaving the car then coming back to it, the car starts playing the same audio file, but it starts playing back right from the beginning. Rather annoying if you are...
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