
In biochemistry and molecular biology, a binding site is a region on a macromolecule such as a protein that binds to another molecule with specificity. The binding partner of the macromolecule is often referred to as a ligand. Ligands may include other proteins (resulting in a protein-protein interaction), enzyme substrates, second messengers, hormones, or allosteric modulators. The binding event is often, but not always, accompanied by a conformational change that alters the protein's function. Binding to protein binding sites is most often reversible (transient and non-covalent), but can also be covalent reversible or irreversible.

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  1. J

    IS smart system not binding.

    Have just purchased my ZS SE 3/2022 Model According to Customer Services its not fitted on my model but its listed on the display and on Scanning the QR code the message says already binded. Would a reset of the Infortainment system work or wait and take it to the dealer the car has only done...
  2. A

    iSMART APP not Binding

    Anyone having the same issue as me not able to binding the app to the car despite the car, once QR Code is scanned, logged on but app keeps asking to bind???? Any suggestions how to fix this as I’m getting nowhere with anyone. Thanks!!
  3. U


    Hello - only just recently had deliery of my new car MG ZS EV trophy long range - manage get the ismart app installed - verify mobile number (doesn't work on Three netw wrok) but worked on my sky sim. Navigated to QR on the infotainment via settings.... linked to ismart app on my phone but...
  4. A

    iSmart binding issue

    I had no problem binding the car to my phone running iSmart and it works OK. When I try to bind my wife's phone I can login her user, but the binding button on the car's user panel pops up and disappears instantly without being able to get the QR for binding. Which means I could only bind one...
  5. B

    Used MG4 and iSmart Binding

    We picked up an ex-demo MG4 Trophy at the weekend and had so much trouble trying to bind the MGiSmart app to the car. We read loads of posts on here and watched loads of YouTube videos but to no avail. The dealership salesmen couldn't help over the phone or with the video they emailed to me. I...
  6. greentangerine

    iSmart binding

    Picked up my new orange Trophy on Saturday (p/x for MG5) and all great apart from I can't get to the end of the binding process. I've followed all the possible options posted both here and on other forums i.e delete and re-install app, give app location permission, factory reset the car, try...
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