
A brake is a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system. It is used for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, wheel, axle, or to prevent its motion, most often accomplished by means of friction.

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  1. W

    Adaptive Cruise Control and regenerative braking question

    I just did my first long motorway trip in the ZSEV. I love the ACC but I notice if the car slows from say 70mph to 60mph because of traffic ahead when it stops accelerating and starts breaking you don’t get any regenerative breaking so nothing on the automatic slow down is going back into the...
  2. S

    Cruise control and regenerative braking

    I have a ZS which was new last August but I have only started using cruise control recently. I have noticed that when the cruise control slows the car, because I am approaching a slower moving vehicle, there doesn’t appear to be any regeneration happening - no green light on the power side of...
  3. B

    anti collision emergency braking

    So I was driving up a steep hill, approaching road works where the road was down to a single lane controlled by temporary traffic lights. Foot off the gas so was slowing quite quickly, the car in front was turning left just before the roadworks, the traffic lights turned green so no oncoming...
  4. E

    Regen Braking, Electric Braking and Physical Brakes

    I was reading an article recently where Porsche said they weren't going to introduce one pedal driving because it was more efficient to use electric brakes i.e the foot pedal. This got me thinking that my knowledge was rusty. I thought that when you pressed the foot pedal you were using the...
  5. B

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    [ Moderator: Merging threads on this important and emotive issue. Please use this thread for all unwanted AEB issues. ] Driving out of a Morrison's supermarket at the weekend my MG4 suddenly decided to [for the want of a better phrase] emergency brake. This happened once before in the new year...
  6. Ayoull

    Impressed with MG4 Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)

    Just been out in the MG4 with the family, and a young boy has just run off from his mum into the road Infront of us, before I had time to slam on, the car had already detected the little boy lit the dashboard up like a Christmas tree and performed an emergency stop. I'd like to think I would...
  7. U

    ZS Braking for Corners on ACC

    Hello! I've noticed that my ZS EV long-range can apply the brakes while in cruise control to slow down when I go round a bend, even if there are no cars in front of me. I see the logic, as it thinks I'd lose control if I take a corner too quickly, but it's far too sensitive in my opinion...
  8. C

    Regenerative braking effect reduced warning on dash?

    This started yesterday on startup. The warning “Regenerative Braking Effect Reduced” flashes up on the drivers binicle on start up. Is this a ‘return to dealer’ issue, or can it be fixed easily? ?
  9. N

    Regen braking not working

    Regen breaking is not working as it usually does. The battery is not fully charged, so it's not that. Does the cold weather have an adverse effect on the regen brake?
  10. H

    Regen braking on cruise control

    Has anyone else noticed that the regen braking does not seem to work when on cruise control? I have now seen the same thing in two HS PHEVs, so thinking that this might be a common thing. When in adaptive cruise control, the power does not go below 0 % when the car slows down. If I disengage...
  11. AndyNWuk

    New update seems to have improved Emergency Braking

    I have owned my ZSEV Mk1 since September 2020 and still love the drive. I took it to my Service Dealer - Chorley Motors MG in Burnley last week for its second service and as always, they did a superb job. On collecting the car, I asked if there where any updates and they said - "yes they had...
  12. M

    ZS EV Trophy LR Regen braking strength.

    I have just upgraded from a ZS EV non facelift to a facelift Trophy Long Range. One of the first things that I noticed was that the regen braking seems weaker. Do other people who have gone from a non facelift to a facelift feel the same?
  13. D

    High speed brake fail + ghost braking

    Hi all, I've just seen some posts from @Bamboo and @RichRead about brake issues with their ZS EVs, thought I'd add our experience as well as this doesn't seem to be a small issue. We've got a 2021 ZS EV bought in June from new. For the first 7 months the car was fine. We'd noticed that...
  14. R

    Stability control & Hill Descent Automatic energy braking Fault

    All of the Stability control & Hill Descent Automatic energy braking Fault instruments indicate conjoined fault has anyone had this on a 2 year old MGZS EV
  15. Mind the GAP

    Issue after auto emergency braking.

    So the other day while filtering in the left lane on green lights and a lorry on the right lane held on red lights an eScooter appears from in front of the lorry, fairly quickly - completely disregarding any traffic around him and any road and crossing laws. I was on the brake quickly but...
  16. AdamMGEV

    KERS3 vs Braking

    So on youtube I just learnt that when you press your foot on the brake it is similar to having KERS3 on... it will regen your battery when you press the brake. I didn't think it did. So you could technically drive around in KERS1 and if you could use your brake efficiently it would regent the...
  17. Seawolf


    Had an interesting experience the other day. Driving along a major street in town, when I noticed a chap approaching the junction on my left at speed, and wondered if he was going to stop at the junction. I was getting ready to brake or take evasive action, but my car was way ahead of me and...
  18. Alb

    Phantom or Justified Braking?

    I recorded this on my dash camera today: I'm assuming the Tesla itself initiated the emergency braking manoeuvre rather than the driver but I'm wondering whether that very small deviation from the lorry actually justified the reaction? Lane 3 was clear so the driver could have moved to the...
  19. Paulj

    Regen. when braking - how?

    I've noticed that I get quite of lot of regen. when actually braking, as opposed to allowing the kers to slow the car down, great, but can anyone tell me how that actually works?
  20. Headgas1

    Emergency Braking

    A couple of times recently my car brakes suddenly when a car in front is doing a left turn and I am nowhere near it and no danger it’s quite alarming and doesn’t sound like it’s doing the brakes any good crunching to a halt. How can I turn this feature off and will it stay off or do I need to...
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