charging port

A charging station, also known as a charge point or electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), is a piece of equipment that supplies electrical power for charging plug-in electric vehicles (including electric cars, electric trucks, electric buses, neighborhood electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrids).
There are two main types: AC charging stations and DC charging stations. Batteries can only be charged with direct current (DC) electric power, while most electricity is delivered from the power grid as alternating current (AC). For this reason, most electric vehicles have a built-in AC-to-DC converter, commonly known as the "onboard charger". At an AC charging station, AC power from the grid is supplied to this onboard charger, which produces DC power to charge the battery. DC chargers facilitate higher power charging (which requires much larger AC-to-DC converters) by building the converter into the charging station instead of the vehicle to avoid size and weight restrictions. The station then supplies DC power to the vehicle directly, bypassing the onboard converter. Most fully electric car models can accept both AC and DC power.
Charging stations provide connectors that conform to a variety of international standards. DC charging stations are commonly equipped with multiple connectors to be able to charge a wide variety of vehicles that utilize competing standards.
Public charging stations are typically found street-side or at retail shopping centers, government facilities, and other parking areas. Private charging stations are typically found at residences, workplaces, and hotels.

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  1. Lovemyev

    Unlocking your type 2 charging cable from charging port from the info screen ?.

    Not sure if anybody is aware of this feature ?. I know there is a manual release for the type 2 cable, located under the bonnet of the MG models, but in the case of the MG5 you have to remove the plastic top cover to access this manual cable release, therefore some owners have attached a pull...
  2. M

    2022 MG ZS EV charging port hatch snapped off!

    I’m not sure how it’s happened, I arrived back at home, went to open the hatch like normal and after opening it just fell on the floor. Obviously broken before this but Lord if I know when. Does anyone know if a replacement is easy enough? Typical, only had the thing two months! EDIT: Sorry I...
  3. rjkirk

    Charging Port Electronic Lock Broken - Cannot charge car!

    Has anyone else had a problem with the Charging Port Electronic Lock? My MG4 Trophy has one that is faulty and so you cannot charge the car. A new one has been ordered from China because it is coded to the vehicle. That was 4 weeks ago and my dealer can offer no clues as to how long it will take...
  4. DaringSquirrel

    MG ZS EV Charging port flap door frozen stuck

    I've seen a couple of other posts about the charging port not opening, mine has been fine for over a year until last night I got home and it wouldn't open - this is on a 2020 model so has the port behind the MG badge. Finally managed to free it this afternoon and can see some residual ice in...
  5. W

    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    Hi all. My charging port lights have stopped working when I plug in to charge at home, I was wondering if anyone else has also had this issue? Not the biggest problem, I'm absolutely loving the MG4!
  6. fshuk1

    Charging port overheating

    Is anyone else getting these warnings???
  7. B

    Charging Port Soaked

    Drove through heavy rain at 50mph for 30 minutes yesterday and was surprised how much water collected behind the plastic charging port cover of my MG5 LR (not the facelift). The rubber bungs were absolutely soaked. Yes, I know the manual tells us not to jet wash the port, but I stupidly forgot...
  8. Dino

    Manually releasing the charging port lock

    So I just finished charging my MG5 SR and the cable was stuck in the front of the car. Came back in to check the manual and it says to remove the front compartment decorative cover - does that mean the whole top tray? If so not sure what I’d have done if I was away from home without my tools...
  9. T

    Charging Port Weather Cover

    Hi there, I have recently purchased a Weather cover to protect my charging port from rain and snow, see attached photo. This works great and is magnetic so sticks to the bonnet. Found on Amazon. I have not found an equivalent to fit over my BP Pulse/Chargemaster home charger, using a pull...
  10. I

    MG ZS EV Charging port won't open.

    Hello everyone, As the title suggests, the charging port (in front of the car with the huge MG logo) won't open no matter what we do. We have made sure that the car is unlocked (in fact tried every combination of locked, unlocked, with the engine running, open doors, etc.) and we have tried...
  11. Lovemyev

    Charging Port Light - Your Thoughts ?.

    I know the lack of this item annoys some of our night time charging members. I also find it difficult to locate the charging cable into the socket, when plugging in on the drive, late at night. The lift up door does not help the situation, because it shields any light trying to enter the...
  12. Kithmo

    Charging port self locks when plugged in.

    I must say I like the way the charging port locks itself and the car starts charging, as soon as I plug in my home charger on the MG5. It's far simpler than my ZS where you have to actually lock the car to lock in the plug and start the charge.
  13. S

    Charging Port problem

    I've experienced problems when trying to open or close the charging port. Pressing the MG badge does not always release the door for charging until several attempts are made with the car locked and then unlocked. Similarly after charging it is difficult to lock the charging door. After the door...
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