
The dash is a punctuation mark consisting of a long horizontal line. It is similar in appearance to the hyphen but is longer and sometimes higher from the baseline. The most common versions are the en dash –, generally longer than the hyphen but shorter than the minus sign; the em dash —, longer than either the en dash or the minus sign; and the horizontal bar ―, whose length varies across typefaces but tends to be between those of the en and em dashes.

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  1. S

    Rear View Mirror Cover Removal(for replacement with dash cam)

    Hi all. I want to replace the plastic rear view mirror cover with one that has a built in dash cam and plugs in to the rain sensor. I was able to release the cover with plastic upholstery tools but I can't see how to remove the mirror in order to completely remove and replace it. Any experience?
  2. R

    Dash cam power feed

    I am going to install dash cam and I would like it to be able to monitor 24 h, i.e. all the time. I plan to take power from fuse box in passenger compartment box. Which fuse should I select for constant current? Also, if you can recommend a good dash cam, that would be nice.
  3. J

    Lease Car Dash Cam

    Hi All, I’m taking delivery of my MG4 Trophy next month and have been looking at dash cams. I’m after some advice please as i’m not sure if I should just get a front or front & rear, the issue being that it’s a lease car so I don’t want to be popping off panels etc for the cabling for the rear...
  4. chiefnemesis

    Digital Dash Screen completely gone!

    Hi Guys, I was driving back from a long range trip from Manchester to Bristol today. Everything was fine and I stopped over at the services. I came back turned my car on and my digital dash for the instrument cluster was completely gone! Please see the attached photos. Have people seen this...
  5. A

    Ease of use of heater controls (edited)

    Do others find the heater controls too small when there is a lovely picture of the dash taking up the whole screen. There appears to be loads of room available for bigger icons or is it just that I have banana fingers that I find it difficult to access the icons!
  6. peterbh49jx

    No Speed Signs on dash

    I have the very latest Trophy with rear wiper and 14" wheels. Latest update carried out last week, dealer had car for 1 week, as axillary battery was going flat. Since the update the speed signs haven't been displayed on the dash. Dealer says update would not affect this item, albeit these signs...
  7. V

    Temperature Display

    This has probably been asked before but I can’t find the answer to it. Why is the outside temperature not displayed inside the car, on the dash for example? Am I missing an update or something because if I want to see the temp I need to go into the app.
  8. B

    Installing dash cams

    Hi all, just thinking about installing dash cameras in our mg4. A front one at least. Just curious if anyone has done this already or has considered it and has any suggestions or tips, e.g., which sections cabling would be best tucked behind or which fuse to go into etc. Thanks!
  9. S

    Rattling noise in dash near glove compartment

    Hi there, Since i have had my car every time i go over a speed ramp or bump in the road i get rattle from with the dashboard which at first i just ignored but now really annoys me.Has anyne else had a similar problem or is it just a case of going back to the dealer although my car is on a lease.
  10. G

    Irritating rattle/vibration from air vent behind dash trim

    MG4 Trophy 1922 I have the annoying vibration behind the passenger side dashboard trim above the glove box. Many people have had this and there is a You Tube video showing how to stop the air-vent inside from rubbing against its surrounding structure. The MG dealer has never heard of it and...
  11. founny1

    Knocking from the dash

    Just done just over 500 miles. And now there's a knock coming from the left hand side of the dash board somewhere. Any body else have this issue?
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