
A car dealership, or car dealer, is a business that sells new or used cars, at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker or its sales subsidiary. Car dealerships also often sell spare parts and automotive maintenance services.

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  1. RedandboX


    Hi all, has anyone had issues with their brakes squeaking, 3k in now, it went away but has come back louder, I’ve been mega busy so couldn’t get to the dealership and hoped it was bedding in but looks like I will have to make the effort soon. Cheers #teamcamdengrey
  2. J

    Leaking roof

    On Friday after getting into my car, I noticed rain was leaking in through the roof of my MG4 trophy above the sunglasses holder and the front passenger seat was extremely damp. The rest of the ceiling at the front was also very wet. I contacted the dealership, Ancaster in Bromley, to ask what...
  3. C

    Where can I find my service history without MG iSmart?

    I purchased an MG5 demonstrator in October 23, and have been waiting since then for the dealership to unbind it so that I can bind it to the iSmart app on my phone. Can anyone tell me how to access my service history without using the app? I'm told the car was serviced back in November while it...
  4. A

    New software installation

    How do you go about getting a software upgrade? Do you have to take the car to the dealership or can it be done at home? I am interested in installing the new 33 software.
  5. S

    Waiting times for parts for the MG4

    Local dealership have had our mg4 for nearly 6 weeks waiting for a part to arrive getting a bit fed up now. Has anybody tried to contact mg uk to complain.
  6. 1

    QR Code not recognised

    I have had my ZS for a month and a half (2023 model EV) and no one at the dealership has a clue on how to deal with this problem. When I or anyone else try to bind the car to the app using the QR Code the only response we get is "QR Code not recognised." My car has never been registered with...
  7. B

    New key barrel fitted but car now doesn't recognise 'new' key.

    I lost my key fob, MG dealership fitted new key barrel The dealership still has the car. They are unable to fix the problem so far. The real question is this : is there anyone who knows or has experience of replacing locks in a mg zs ev. It's been 4 weeks now. Any suggestions?
  8. cryptofu

    Is a car wash included in the Dealership service?

    HI, I had my first service at the dealership and didn't get the car washed. Is that normal? I paid £144 for the first service
  9. J

    Dealership prepping the car before delivery

    Did you let this happen or did you insist on receiving the car without the dealership cleaning it up? I ask given at least one poster's advice to insist that the dealership doesn't touch the car, even if that means it's grubby. The thought is that they will only scratch it somewhere or other...
  10. J

    How responsive is your dealership?

    Mine doesn’t bother replying to emails for weeks on end. I’m left hoping the car I ordered is in fact on its way.
  11. skynett

    Think MG Dealership swapped my Alloy Wheels? Anyone had this experience before?

    I dropped my car off yesterday at the dealership for an update to the software due to reported low pressure being reported in my rear Tyre (for the second time) only to get a call that this was due to a puncture in the said tyre, I had 2 options repair or replace I chose to repair. I picked up...
  12. S

    No new car smell in dealership

    Went to an mg dealership to look at mg zs ev. I sid not visit any other dealership so have nothing to compare with but ... There is no new car smell in the car shown. Did they kill it or perhaps the vehicle has been sitting in the showroom for a while? The dealership says the car was built in...
  13. DBedford

    MG ZS TLR Service prices MG over dealership

    Service quotes, both based on 10,000miles/year Yearly cost/monthly MG. Dealer 3 year. £386.63/ £10.74. £611.66/£16.99 4 year. £618.21/£12.87 £850.54/£17.71* 5 year. £862.15/£14.36. Not provided * with MOT MG: Service Plan Quote...
  14. F

    Suprising price of MG part and availability

    Due to a recent parking accident (don`t believe the reversing camera) I found I needed a new passenger side rear light cluster!!!!. Immediate thought was to look on ebay for somthing. Horrified to find the price was between £175 and £215 !!! I then thought I would find out how much a new one...
  15. B

    Used MG4 and iSmart Binding

    We picked up an ex-demo MG4 Trophy at the weekend and had so much trouble trying to bind the MGiSmart app to the car. We read loads of posts on here and watched loads of YouTube videos but to no avail. The dealership salesmen couldn't help over the phone or with the video they emailed to me. I...
  16. K

    BYD dealership

    Anyone familiar with the huge Mercedes dealership In Stockport Manchester? Drove passed yesterday and saw a huge BYD logo on the Mercedes showroom building. BYD sharing a Mercedes showroom, hmmmm.
  17. JDMB

    New MG Dealership in South London/Surrey border

    Thought I’d post this in case it was of benefit to anyone, as it’s a massive help to me for where I live. Dees on the Purley Way next to Croydon Airport are now an MG dealer so will speak to my current dealer and see if they can speak to Dees, which so much closer to where I live, for me around...
  18. Susanna

    MG Touchpoint - strange geography!

    There is something wrong with the geography - I live in Northamptonshire, but in the MG Touchpoint section of my iSMART app, EMG MG Ipswich is listed as my nearest dealership, at just over 14 miles away! According to the map, Ipswich has changed county, and it’s now a few miles north of...
  19. Stuart Wright

    MG dealership Maschler - Landeck - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    This thread is for discussing MG dealership Maschler - Landeck. Please ask questions here and share only your genuine opinions & experiences. View on the MG dealer map
  20. chiefnemesis

    MG ZS EV “EV Overheat” issue at Dealership

    Hi All, first post as I didn’t know where else to discuss this. I was due to get my new MG ZS EV Trophy 73 kWh in monument silver last Thursday. The dealership confirmed the registration of the car. I got a call on Wednesday afternoon that the dealership could no longer honour the delivery as...
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