
A dongle is a small piece of computer hardware that connects to a port on another device to provide it with additional functionality, or enable a pass-through to such a device that adds functionality.In computing, the term was initially synonymous with software protection dongles—a form of hardware digital rights management where a piece of software will only operate if a specified dongle—which typically contains a license key or some other cryptographic protection mechanism—is plugged into the computer while it is running.
The term has since been applied to other forms of devices with a similar form factor, such as:

adapters that convert ports to handle different types of connectors (such as DVI to VGA for displays, USB-to-serial data communication, and in modern computing, USB-C to other types of ports, and Mobile High-Definition Link),
USB wireless adapters for standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
USB flash drives (more commonly described as "USB stick" or "USB key")
small form-factor digital media players that plug into HDMI ports (most commonly described as a "media player dongle" or "media player stick")

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  1. H

    Apple CarPlay dongle for MG4

    Any recommendations for dongle that will work in brand new MG4 to avoid need to plug in iPhone 10 by wire each time?
  2. Andrew Sinclair

    OBD 2 Dongle + iPhone + ABRP

    Does anyone have any OBD dongle recommendations based on recent experience using the dongle with an iPhone (in my case 7 Plus) along with the ABRP application? ADVThanksANCE To explore how the ABRP + iPhone + OBD 2 work together I bought a NEXAS NexLink Bluetooth 5.0 OBDII Scanner and tried it...
  3. Maciej

    Android auto dongle?

    Anyone has recommendation of Bluetooth dongle for mg so I can connect a phone for sat nav etc without needing to plug it in every time. Mg zs Trophy
  4. shiremail

    ABRP +iPhone +OBD Dongle / SOC not updated

    Hello, I own a MG ZS EV (2022) and try to use ABRP with my iPhone (12 Pro Max) together with an OBD Dongle. I use two OBD Dongles... Carly and Vgate VLinker MC+ (recommended by ABRP) Both adapter work...
  5. fnkd

    ABRP - OBD2 Dongle Recommendations

    Hi all, I’ve searched the forums but all the info seems to be within other threads so I thought I’d post a new one to make it easier for people to find as I’m sure I’m not the only person considering buying one. I’m looking at getting a OBD2 dongle for my ZS facelift for when I do longer...
  6. C

    Do you leave an OBD dongle on?

    I fitted an OBD Bluetooth dongle to use with ABRP. The video I watched suggested that it should be taken off when not in use,as it makes the cars vulnerable to hacking. Any thoughts?
  7. S

    ODB2 Bluetooth dongle recommendations

    Hey Waiting like most for my ZS EV to arrive. Having lost my old ODB2 I am looking at buying a new one. Any recommendation on a sensibly priced ODB2 Bluetooth dongle? Many thanks
  8. F

    OBD port dongle tracker and monitoring charging.

    Just as a curiosity that might be handy for some: I have a tracker from TruTrak (not affiliated but can recommend their products and services) that is simply plugged into the ODB port (above/near brake pedal). In their software it will also report the Voltage of the battery. When charging at a...
  9. A

    MG5 + ABRP + ODB Dongle

    Am I right in thinking that if I purchase an ODB dongle and set that up then ABRP will be able to pull live battery stats and have better routing to charge points etc when travelling? Not that I really do that long a journey but on the rare occasions it would be good to know.
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