
An emergency is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath.
While some emergencies are self-evident (such as a natural disaster that threatens many lives), many smaller incidents require that an observer (or affected party) decide whether it qualifies as an emergency.
The precise definition of an emergency, the agencies involved and the procedures used, vary by jurisdiction, and this is usually set by the government, whose agencies (emergency services) are responsible for emergency planning and management.

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  1. Logan T

    Front collision assist / emergency braking software updates

    My daughter, who is pregnant, took delivery of a leased mg4 SE LR a couple of months ago. Today she had another occurrence of spurious emergency braking which pulled severely on her stomach. This is obviously very concerning for her. Are updates available to improve this bug? If so, what...
  2. Susanna

    Alternative use for tax disc holder

    I have ICE information form in mine, but it’s getting a bit faded and needs updating now. I’ve been in search of a replacement, and found these. Insurance company Aviva also have one, but it’s for your insurance policy details, rather than emergency contacts.
  3. Archev

    Archived MG paint kit for all tri- coat red models

    Tri-coat red paint kit. Three unused aerosol cans - base coat, colour coat and lacquer top coat. Unopened box as delivered from supplier Wilson, Lendrum and Weir.
  4. Archev

    Archived MG 5 16 inch genuine emergency spare wheel.

    For sale. A 16 inch emergency spare wheel, tyre and jack kit. This was bought from the MG dealer who sold me the MG 5 pre face lift long range car. The wheel was used for about 20 slow miles to get home after a puncture. The whole kit cost me £245 and I’m asking for £145 plus delivery.
  5. S

    Total Loss of Power

    Hi All, long time lurker although i've just had an experience I feel is worthy of sharing. Just to preface, this happened a few days ago and the car is running again. I drive home from work and plug-in (like I've done almost every day since having the car), as soon as the charger is inserted...
  6. F


    Hi.Has any one used the SOS phone on roof.
  7. O

    Going to Spain?

    New Spanish regs state ,that as from Jan 26 the red warning triangle will be abolished and must be replaced with an approved orange flashing light which magnetically attaches to the roof. This also has a GPS and some sort of Sim card which can alert the emergency services to your position . All...
  8. I

    How to disable alarm after emergency key use?

    So yesterday I went for a dog walk in the snow and came back to find that my key wasn’t opening my 2020 ZS EV. I tried opening the car using the emergency key to get the dogs out of the traffic but it triggered the alarm and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. Is there a button somewhere...
  9. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Went on an overnight trip to Lancashire to help parents in law empty their static. Got home fully loaded on Friday, but realised we needed some juice to get home from Warrington. So we went to BP in Birchwood. The forecourt was painted with very smooth paint and it had been raining. As I took...
  10. Bricktop X PWR

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    Mods, I know there are plenty of Charging Flap related Debacles, but I've started afresh as I haven't seen this information before. Please move, if this has been covered elsewhere. After last year's faffing and Charging Flap related shenanigans, I got my hair off last night when it wouldn't...
  11. Lollipopman

    Emergency Stop!!!

    [ Moderator: Moved from the MG3 Hybrid+ forum. ] Was travelling to our local Tesco store this morning and as we were approaching a side street a car was coming to the junction not fast enough for me to think it wasn't going to stop but fast enough for my car to think it wasn't going to stop...
  12. Jovik

    Emergency key

    Has anyone tried to open the drivers door with the emergency key in the key fob, I'm laying my car up for 3month and want to disconnect the battery. To re-enter the car you use the emergency key but it seems awfully stiff
  13. N

    Power from MG PHEV to Home

    I have the MY23 MG HS + EV 'Excite' in Sydney, Australia: with the 16.6 kWh battery. As summer storms approach soon, just wondering, just asking ...... In the event of a storm, or other such emergency, where power supply to the home is interrupted for very many hours, or over a day, is it...
  14. P

    V2L question

    I am due to have a scheduled power out at home, so intend using my V2L to provide some comfort. I have a V2L adapter and have tested that it works, however, I cannot find in the manual an answer to a simple question; can I run V2L without leaving the car "powered up" eg lights on etc? Does...
  15. riddick

    V2L is pumping water from House

    Recently, for the first time, I made good use of the V2L function when I connected a pump to my MG ZS EV and pumped water from a flooded house in Opava, Czech Republic, where there were severe floods. There's no electricity anywhere in the area, so you can only use your own energy source. Some...
  16. K

    How to shift neutral - emergency

    Hello all MG users! I bought a damaged MG ZS EV MY22 which is now coming to me :) There it was put on a tow truck with a forklift. Now it is coming to me and the driver says that the wheels are blocked. The 12V battery is completely discharged. And my question is: If I give it a good charged 12V...
  17. Fluffykins

    Jump Starter pack at a reasonable price

    Saw this today. Thought it might be useful. ASPERX 5-in-1 Jump Starter Power Pack, 3000A w/voucher Sold by JIAHONGJING store / FBA | hotukdeals
  18. T

    Emergency braking and demisting problems

    Have had my car for coming upto a month done 1600 miles and showing 68.9 mpg, which is great . Have 2 major concerns demisting and twice now car has applied auto braking, once with my wife in the car and she freaked out!.Thankfully did not get rear ended, what is causing this issue and how to...
  19. KH11

    Can’t access the car

    Can’t get in the car tried both keys and emergency key sent for the AA
  20. MG Clive

    [1] MG3 Hybrid locking and unlocking video tutorial guide.

    This is a great video explaining everything you need to know about the MG3 Hybrid+ locks and keys.
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