
An emergency is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath.
While some emergencies are self-evident (such as a natural disaster that threatens many lives), many smaller incidents require that an observer (or affected party) decide whether it qualifies as an emergency.
The precise definition of an emergency, the agencies involved and the procedures used, vary by jurisdiction, and this is usually set by the government, whose agencies (emergency services) are responsible for emergency planning and management.

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  1. QLeo

    Emergency Braking required

    We have just done a road trip south (well most things are south for us) and on our way to Inverness, along a road we know pretty well, we pass a four way junction that needs caution. A little way after that, there is a road to one side that also needs care as people may be waiting for a while...
  2. C

    Stuck in France (nearly)!

    So we’re on a long road trip through France at the moment. Everything has been brilliant with the car and rapid charging is much much cheaper than in the UK. Today, however, panic set in when all of a sudden the car wouldn’t charge from any AC or DC charger. I eventually worked out that the...
  3. G

    Weird clunk

    Very odd one…. Driving along one day at around 25mph I got the most unnerving clunk with weird almost split second loss of power. It sounded mechanical like an auto box banging into gear or really short harsh change. No warning but thought it may have been the emergency thing whacking the...
  4. J

    Poor emergency stop

    I failed to stop when entering a roundabout behind a driver who changed their mind suddenly. I'm confident that I would have stopped in my last BMW and my wife's Polo, but my MG4 didn’t seem to assist at all, if anything the brakes went a bit spongy. Isn’t it supposed to do emergency stops, even...
  5. M

    E-Call function

    Hi. I've just accidentally clicked the SOS button in my car and it says something along the lines of (this number can't be reached please try again later) and it keeps trying to ring. Is there something wrong with the SOS? I'm thinking more like, what if I got into a crash, would it activate and...
  6. A


    Dear All . There is a lack of material from the BOSCH equipment; the radar under the license plate; from China ? I have written to SAIC motor, Europe and China; MG EUROPE ; My dealership from Spain, which is also from Honda Subaru and Mitshubisi from more than 20 years ago, does not get a...
  7. DaevM

    Emergency services call out button.

    Does anyone else think the emergency services call out button above your head ( central / windscreen ) should maybe be a big red button that says "DO NOT PUSH EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY" in big letters? ( Watched Father Ted Plane episode last night ??). It is in exactly the same place I am used to...
  8. G

    Emergency braking causing injury

    Hi guys, The company I work for has an MG ZS 2022 model which is used by various employees for supply runs. Yesterday, our mechanic was on a trip when the EV's brakes locked up taking the car from 60 to 0kph in a second (emergency braking?) He reported no apparent reason for the auto-braking and...
  9. AbuG

    Emergency key missing in one fob. Mark1

    Rapid Charger bricked my Mark1 ZS again, lots of fault lights on dash, couldn't unlock the doors. Apparently 12 V battery was drained in the fault. It turns out the fob I was carrying doesn't have an emergency key. 100 odd miles away from home, where the other fob was sat, turns out does have...
  10. dsr

    Emergency S.O.S. Heads Up

    Trying to put an interior light on while driving, I hit the SOS emergency button by mistake (should it really be so near the light controls?). Immediate panic and freeze on my part, followed by total embarrassment when I had to admit my mistake and allow the emergency operator to end my call. A...
  11. B

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    [ Moderator: Merging threads on this important and emotive issue. Please use this thread for all unwanted AEB issues. ] Driving out of a Morrison's supermarket at the weekend my MG4 suddenly decided to [for the want of a better phrase] emergency brake. This happened once before in the new year...
  12. S

    Does the MG ZS EV have an inside emergency boot release?

    My puppy’s portable crate netting has got stuck in the boot lock when closing it and I can’t open it now (puppy wasn’t inside it!) is there an inside emergency release catch on the 2020 MG ZS EV boot lock?
  13. B

    Mg zs ev emergency systems fault

    Hello everyone . I need help . I have a 3 week old mg zs ev. I was just driving and all the emergency systems showing "unavailable " on dashboard . And after i stoped the car and turned on again the brake was not functioning well anymore . I called AA but they couldn't delete the flag . Can you...
  14. AB71

    Emergency charger release?

    Did you know that a long press on power on the key fob remote does this if it’s stuck? If this is incorrect admin please delete.
  15. Y

    Autonomous Emergency Braking setting

    Bit overzealous, isn't it? Nearly resulted in a bus going into the back of me today. Average B road, oncoming car was driving safely on their side of the road, my car suddenly goes from 20mph to 0 to the alarm of the bus driver (following at a safe distance). Just wondering what would have...
  16. K

    Emergency training exercises

    https://www.manchesterworld.uk/news/why-youll-see-lots-of-police-in-manchester-city-centre-today-3589033 Today, we have a major emergency training in Manchester. I think last year we also had some kind of mobile phone alerts for emergency. Now I’m not sure whether this is nationwide or just...
  17. D

    Merged thread: Automatic Emergency Braking activating for no reason

    My wife was scared sh**less this morning when her MG4 Trophy did a sudden and totally inappropriate emergency stop, whilst travelling at 30mph through a quiet nearby village. A Tesla was following at a safe distance and fortunately no collision took place. The car was then ok to drive away...
  18. shiv

    Emergency charge port release

    How hard does one need to pull on the emergency release cable to unlock the charge port? I just cant seem to be able to release it? The car is dead, I suspect a 12V battery drain.
  19. A

    Dead car

    Just got back from a week away to a completely dead car. Waiting for the AA man.:(
  20. W

    Emergency Call Fault ?

    Hi Folks , new here so be gentle. Have new MG4 Trophy (2 weeks old) its has rung the emergency control centre at least five times without any buttons having been pushed. Rang dealer who said it might be due to loss of signal, if so the how have I had conversation with control center staff...
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