
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA is a Belgian company that manufactures live outside broadcast digital video production systems. Their XT-VIA production video servers enable the creation, editing, exchange, and playout of audio and video feeds.

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  1. E

    Sales volumes of ZS EVs and 5 EVs in China last year

  2. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 25th January 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Join MG EV owners for advice about the car plus ask your questions live. Please reply below with any questions or suggestions for discussion topics.
  3. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 18th January 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Join MG EV owners for advice about the car plus ask your questions live. Please reply below with any questions or suggestions for discussion topics. Potential topics of discussion: MG5 roof rail update ZS EV BMS update Condensation inside the ZS EV Home chargers - which to choose and why? And...
  4. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 11th January 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Part 1 Part 2 Join MG EV owners for advice about the car plus ask your questions live. Please reply below with any questions or suggestions for discussion topics.
  5. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs podcast Monday 4/1/2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    The first episode of 2021. Please join us to chat about the MG ZS EV at 7:30pm.
  6. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs podcast Monday 21/12/2020 @ 7:30pm UTC

    The last episode of 2020. Please join us to chat about MG ZS and MG5 EVs. Ideas for discussion topics include the GOM and KERS, but if you have any point to raise, please do so in the YouTube chat or in a reply below. Or if you have a webcam and Zoom and you wish to join the call to chat...
  7. B

    SOS: Recommended breakdown cover for EVs?

    Sooooo... Car failed to charge last night for whatever reason. Wife decided to risk it and managed to get to work. But there is now no charge and car won't start again. We don't have any breakdown cover because we're idiots. Any (quick) recommendations?
  8. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 14/12/2020 @ 7:30pm UTC

    In this podcast we talk about The MG5 roof rails news Why we chose an EV and why the MG specifically? How we purchased the MG. Cash? Loan? Finance? What were your experiences? Please reply below with comments and suggestions for upcoming podcasts (Note: I didn't update the date in the...
  9. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 7/12/2020 @ 7:30pm UTC

    We are building a group of MG EV owners who are happy to join us on a semi-regular basis to talk about their experiences and opinions.
  10. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 30/11/2020 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Please reply below with comments and suggestions
  11. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Community First Podcast Monday 21/11/2020

    [Edit: The Zoom call took place on Monday 23rd November 2020.] Please click the like button and subscribe. If you have suggestions for discussion points in further podcasts, please include them in a reply below. We hope you will join us each Monday at 7:30pm UTC (and don't worry if you are...
  12. E

    2,031 MG cars arrived at Bristol, 2/3 of them were EVs

    good news https://insideevs.com/news/449891/uk-plugins-dominating-mg-largest-shipment/ "The demand for our EV models has been astonishing." MG (part of SAIC) just completed its largest ever car shipment at Portbury Docks, Bristol in the UK, delivering 2,031 cars from China. The brand is on a...
  13. Stuart Wright

    Best deals on MG ZS EVs in the UK

    Shall we post in here about good offers on the MG ZS EV?
  14. Mark Holmes

    How many MG ZS EVs have been sold.

    Dear all, I wonder if anyone has these statistics as it would be interesting to know just how many MG ZS EV’s have now been sold and how many orders have been placed as we are seeing new members on the forum every week, which is great news. I wonder how we can find this information out?
  15. Stuart Wright

    Green number plates for EVs get the green light

  16. Stuart Wright

    BBC's click does an episode on EVs

    No mention of the MG ZS. The new Ioniq (a dud of a car) was present. Over all, I thought it was too superficial a piece.
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