infotainment screen

The Multi Media Interface (MMI) system is an in-car user interface media system developed by Audi, and was launched at the 2001 Frankfurt Motor Show on the Audi Avantissimo concept car. Production MMI was introduced in the second generation Audi A8 D3 in late 2002 and implemented in majority of its latest series of automobiles.

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  1. AlanS

    MG 4 Trophy Infotainment Screen Behaving Badly

    Has anyone come accross this issue. The screen is now slightly offsetting to the left and top, showing part of the settings screen. If you try any settings, ite screen then scrolls between the two screen, which apart from being very distracting, stops you changing any setting. I have tried...
  2. D

    How to reset infotainment screen

    Radio stopped playing. I can select stations but nothing from speakers. Navigation audio ok. How do i reset infotainment screen?
  3. Sloucher

    Infotainment Screen Failure

    Well, I suppose it was inevitable. After 1500 miles of trouble-free driving, my infotainment screen is borked with the usual flicking from one screen to another (see Video). It seems to be a problem with the screen driver as the main screen decreases slightly in size and it's enough for the left...
  4. remarkable1967

    Calling on all SE drivers.

    Hi all, Hopefully an SE driver can help me with a phone call issue. When I'm plugged in to android auto and a call comes through, I shows the call on the infotainment screen but no matter what I do, when I answer it, it will only come through the phone speaker and not the car speakers. However...
  5. teejayuu

    Removing fingerprints from Infotainment screen

    Greetings all, As above: How do you clean fingerprints off the Infotainment screen? I am going to get one of these , but I don't want to put it on a dirty screen. Thanks
  6. G

    Infotainment screen

    Hi all, once again I need your expertise. Is there a way to turn the infotainment centre of and on, heaven forbid I can't even turn the radio of and it now refuses to mute/pause or whatever it used to do.
  7. Ian Key

    Infotainment screen getting confused

    I don't know if anyone else has found that if they switch the lights from auto to off before the infotainment screen has finished booting it gets confused and gives up. It seems to start in light mode then realises the lights are on so better switch to dark mode then while it's still booting you...
  8. S

    MG4 infotainment Screen Fault

    Today (2nd April) the central infotainment screen glitched while driving (MG4 Trophy). The screen was no longer usable as it started switching from one display to another at random. I reset the system by pressing the home button for several seconds. The system did reset but the fault remained...
  9. G

    Infotainment screen not turning on and “burning smell”

    Morning fine people, I’ve had a quick search of the forums and can’t see this noted elswhere (sorry if missed it). In past month noticed that sometimes the screen won’t turn on straight away when turning on the car, then there is smell of burning. You can leave it and after about 15-20seconds...
  10. D

    MG5 facelift Infotainment screen protector

    Any one got a link to the best fit infotainment screen protector for MG5 facelift please, finger marks driving me potty. I’ve tried googling but hard to get a match. Thanks in advance
  11. G

    Blank Infotainment screen - reset

    Stopped at the shops briefly and returned to drive off and the infotainment screen was blank. Got out, locked and unlocked the car but still no screen. After Googling, I found that you need to hold in the Home button (the one with the 'house' under the screen) for at least 10 seconds and this...
  12. D

    Infotainment screen replacement

    Has anyone had their infotainment screen replaced on a ZS Trophy? I got my car 3 months ago but the day after delivery I noticed there were a couple of chips on the screen. After first denying it was anything to do with them and I must have done it, the company finally agreed to pay for a new...
  13. J

    Infotainment screen often doesn't light up

    I've had a red SE long range for about 3 weeks and it has been great so far except the infotainment screen. On occasions it seems to take a couple of miles driving before the screen comes alive. It doesn't happen every time and there doesn't seem to be an obvious pattern. Today it was fine on...
  14. J

    Infotainment screen frozen

    Hi all, I have now had my HS PHEV for 9 months, no problems, haven't even lifted the bonnet yet! This morning got up to a very cold morning, not only was the windscreen frozen, but also the infotainment touch screen was "frozen" No response whatsoever, the "buttons" didn't work either. No Radio...
  15. J

    Infotainment screen frozen.

    Hi all, I have now had my HS PHEV for 9 months, no problems, haven't even lifted the bonnet yet! This morning got up to a very cold morning, not only was the windscreen frozen, but also the infotainment touch screen was "frozen" No response whatsoever, the "buttons" didn't work either. No...
  16. M

    Infotainment screen

    Can the brightness of the screen be adjusted
  17. I

    Infotainment screen brightness

    Hi all, I’ve not seen any posts relating to the infotainment screen brightness at night. I find it far too bright. I’ve found the brightness control on the drivers screen, but it seems to make very little difference. Does anyone know if it can be controlled from anywhere else? Or, can the screen...
  18. Big Al

    Infotainment screen fail

    My infotainment screen is changing pages by its self. just keeps bouncing between the home page and the 2nd icon page. I cant interact with it and re-boots have made no difference. Anyone else had the same? Dealer says new head unit is required
  19. 3

    Infotainment screen gone blank

    I have a HS PHEV, not had any issues with it at all but today the Infotainment screen just went blank. Can it be rebooted somehow?
  20. M

    Manuals om the infotainment screen

    Why is there no content in these files. Had them yesterday, but did a reset of the screen. How can I get them back?
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