
Caps Lock ⇪ Caps Lock is a button on a computer keyboard that causes all letters of bicameral scripts to be generated in capital letters. It is a toggle key: each press reverses the previous action. Some keyboards also implement a light to give visual feedback about whether it is on or off. Exactly what Caps Lock does depends on the keyboard hardware, the operating system, the device driver, and the keyboard layout. Usually, the effect is limited to letter keys. Letters of non-bicameral scripts (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi) and non-letter characters are generated normally.

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  1. B

    Tailgate doesn’t lock!

    I’ve never posted before and only got my mg4 last November. But I have a problem - the tailgate doesn’t lock even when I centrally lock the car. This may have been the case since I took delivery or maybe a new thing. It never occurred to me to check the boot was locked every time I plipped the...
  2. D

    Back door not unlocking?

    I'm pretty sure the normal operation is when I get out of the drivers seat the rear doors unlock - is that right? I've noticed a few times recently when I've got out and tried to open the back door from outside to get something off the backs seat and it is still locked. I have to lock the car...
  3. bissu

    Marvel r door lock ?

    I just nocited that while driving marvel r luxury my doorcan be open if I try to open it. Is there anyway to lock it ? I nocited even tho car is in lock while driving if anyone try to open door while car is moving in any speed try to open door 2 times it will be opened in anytime it is super...
  4. A

    Is there a built in wheel lock?

    We’ve had some attempted and successful vehicle thefts recently and I’ve bought Disklok wheel lock. However, upon installation I now realise it is meant to be used in conjunction with the built in wheel column lock. Every car I have used has had one, but I can’t seem to figure out how to use...
  5. s jordan

    Dealer lack of service

    I’ve just recieved my 2023 reg zs ev back from dealer as it was in for a rear door lock not working , surprisingly nothing done as they had to check this was the fault !!! and I also asked about the car not emitting a sound when moving slowly,I was told that this wasn’t a requirement but under...
  6. s jordan

    Rear door lock

    Hi , I’m taking my 23 plate zs ev lr into my local dealer this week to have the rear door lock sorted as you can’t open the passenger door from inside ( tried child lock etc ) but no difference. I asked about up dates for the car 7 months old and they were not very keen stating MG we’re...
  7. R

    Charge port cover will not lock closed

    Hi, anyone have the charge port not locking closed. Just wondering if there is an easy fix. This is a 2021 EV ZS
  8. luisb11

    I don't know how to lock my MG4 while keeping the AC on!

    Newbie question: I live in a tropical country and occasionally need to leave my dog in my MG4 while I run to get a coffee or whatever. I don't want to just leave the window open coz it gets really hot, even for just a few minutes. The problem is, when I hit the lock button on the fob, or press...
  9. B

    Grinding noise at full lock

    Well this isn’t good. 5700 or so miles and 3.5 months into owning and I’ve got a disconcerting noise from the front end (I’m assuming there as it feels like it and it happens at full lock (either direction)) when I corner hard (at slow speed obvs), happens just before full lock and fades in...
  10. I

    Broken fuel lock mechanism

    Hi wondering if anyone can help, I notice the lock on the fuel cap lock/mechanism has broken or pushed inside the car and therefore does not lock the fuel cap door. Is there any diagrams, videos or information to get access inside the panel to get to the part and refit/replace? I've booked in to...
  11. Fluffykins

    Lazy Lock - Remote open/close all windows. Can it be disabled?

    Lazy Clock (long press on key fob opens / closes all four windows together) caught me out again today when my key fob got pressed whilst in my pocket. Has anyone succeeded in disabling the feature on an MG5 SR non-facelift? Can't find anything about it in the manual so I assume it isn't possible.
  12. C

    MGZS EV charger won’t lock

    Posting because I’m so stressed out ? a few weeks ago I plugged my charger in same as always but it wouldn’t lock in place and therefore wouldn’t take a charge. I tried a different charger but no luck. Took it to a local dealer paid £250 for a diagnostic to be told the lock actuator needs...
  13. filogab

    MG HS PHEV Alarm goes off when I lock the car and walk away

    Hello everyone, I just rented a MG HS and since yesterday the anti theft alarm goes off everytime about 20s after I have locked the car and walked away. What could be the reason? It's driving me nuts since it's super loud and I don't want to bother the entire street at night time. Please help...
  14. Davn

    Charging door

    Had a great 15mins yesterday trying to defrost the charging door lock to get the door shut ? good job it was a non-working day! 10 mins on Amazon and magnetic cover order?
  15. Coady

    Charging Flap Locked

    Went to charge last week with home charger. Flap would not unlock. Phoned dealer who suggested power on/off 2 or 3 times but no use. Advised to contact MG Assist and so AA arrived. He too was unable to unlock. 50% charge left. 2 days later arranged to visit dealer when they forced open with no...
  16. D

    Unplugging the charger from the vehicle

    New owner - does the car need to be unlocked to allow the charging cable to be removed?
  17. A

    Setting Central Door Locking not to open when tried 2 times

    Hi, I understand the Cental Loking in MG doesn't work if you tried to open the door couple of times. Is there anyway that can be disabled? I would like the door lock not to open when the Central locking is on.. having a toddler in the car loves playing with the door lever.
  18. B

    Electronic Diff Lock

    Hi, I'm looking at the MG EV. Coming from a Suzuki S-Cross Allgrip, and living in a rural location, moving back to 2 wheel drive is one significant downside. I wondered if the MG has any form of cross-axle traction transfer capabilities? Many vehicles will apply the brake to the slipping wheel...
  19. DarrenG

    Door Lock Covers

    Had similar fitted to my Leaf and they tidy up the look of the door lock catches - in my opinion.
  20. Laurie

    Lights will not turn off when I lock the car

    SO, all of a sudden this morning, I get to work, get out, lock the car and notice my lights are still on! I've had to turn off the "auto" switch on the lights, but I like the function of auto, and the fact they are not turning off I'd imagine means there is now an issue. Anyone else experience...
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