
The Monster Manual (MM) is the primary bestiary sourcebook for monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game, first published in 1977 by TSR. The Monster Manual was the first hardcover D&D book and includes monsters derived from mythology and folklore, as well as creatures created specifically for D&D. Creature descriptions include game-specific statistics (such as the monster's level or number of hit dice), a brief description of its habits and habitats, and typically an image of the creature. Along with the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, the Monster Manual is one of the three "core rulebooks" in most editions of the D&D game. As such, new editions of the Monster Manual have been released for each edition of D&D. Due to the level of detail and illustration included in the 1977 release, the book was cited as a pivotal example of a new style of wargame books. Future editions would draw on various sources and act as a compendium of published monsters.

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  1. R

    MG3 Manual Petrol review

  2. aardvark5

    Parking Buttons

    On the car are two buttons - a big one with R N D and a smaller one to the right. Since we've had the car, we park up, hit the big button on the left and walk away from the car. When do we use the smaller button to the right with a P on it? What is it for? I've read the manual and still haven't...
  3. S

    New around here👋.. need a bit of help.

    Hiya everyone. At risk of sounding a right plum, but need a bit of advice on the ismart app. Just purchased the MG HS Trophy manual also petrol, 2024 onwards model (new facelift) All I can do in the app is lock and unlock thr doors, is this right? Or should I be able to set climate etc.. does...
  4. riddick

    The meaning of the icon in the picture

    I searched the manual and the internet in vain to find out what this icon in the battery section of the display represents. Does anyone have an idea what function it stands for? Thanks!
  5. A

    iSmart App Pixel 8 problem. QR scanner closing for binding. Is there a manual way to bind?

    [ Moderator: See also this post re the Pixel 9 Fold. ] I'm having a problem with my Pixel 8 when trying to bind the iSmart app. The QR scanner opens and immediately closes. I've factory reset and wiped the phone and only installed the iSmart app back on to try and fix it, but it's doing the...
  6. B

    Service Manual

    Every car I've had over the last 50 years has had a service manual that was stamped by the servicing garage. Am I the only one that doesn't have one or are they no longer issued with the ZS Hybrid+ If you don't have a stamped service book then how do you answer the question of 'is there a full...
  7. J

    Backup Key Position?

    After long wait for ferry check-in this evening I found the car wouldn’t engage drive when the time came to start moving - embarrassing! The dash says put key in backup key position but no reference to where this is in manual I can find ! Tried armrest cubby and by cup holders - no joy. In the...
  8. Noel

    The Manual

    Boy am I pleased I found this group. Without it I suspect that those who have just purchased a new MG ZS Hybrid + would be feeling somewhat isolated. Regarding the manual on eBay I’m assuming it’s this one:- MG ZS HYBRID + -Owner USER Handbook Manual -A4 or A5 - New Print ALL YEARS. If so...
  9. MG Clive

    ZS Hybrid+ Owners Manual

    They're available online now, but worth having here as well. ZS Hybrid+ Quick start guide. ZS Hybrid+ Owner's Manual.
  10. dsr

    Revised User Manual?

    Does anyone know if there an updated manual in the pipeline? As a small example, the online one refers to 17” wheels only, while 18” ones have been around for quite some time.
  11. D

    user manual

    Has anyone noticed that the MG5 user manual has disappeared from the list of manuals.
  12. Jackolino

    User Manual as pdf

    Hello everyone, can someone make the operating instructions for the Cyberster available as a pdf? Or has anyone already found a way to download it? Thanks and Greetings Stefan
  13. W

    MG3 Hybrid Owners Manual Content Differences

    I have downloaded the owner's manual from two different sources and am surprised at the content differences. In particular, 10 Energy Flow diagrams illustrating energy distribution at peak moments have been deleted from the Service Manual Version 1 dated 24th November 2023, which are in the...
  14. M

    Locked out

    My MG EHS has locked me out. The keys don’t open the car. The car is plugged into the electricity and i can’t extract it. How can I open the car? What do I do with the manual key? Matty
  15. M

    Manual service disconnect (MSD) where is it located?? maybe someone has a picture??

    Manual service disconnect (MSD) where is it located?? maybe someone has a picture??
  16. Covkid Pete

    Folding mirrors

    Looking for advice from you good people. I'm probably one of the few people who still park there car in the garage. :) I manually fold the mirrors in so I can drive in a bit closer to the left so I can open the drivers door a bit wider. The last two cars I owned when you restarted the car...
  17. Aitch1

    Cruise control

    Can anyone explain, in simple terms, how to operate adaptive cruise control. I know what it does, but the actual operation as explained in the manual is very long-winded. By the time I get to another section I've forgotten the first.
  18. Aitch1

    MG3 Hybrid Owners Manual

    Now that the MG3 Hybrid forum has so many members, I wonder if it would be possible to arrange a 'Collective Request' to MG Motor UK to print an authoritative manual?
  19. Aitch1

    MG3 Hybrid Car Manual

    In case anyone is interested I've searched the online manual for sections that would be of practical use and printed them out. I've stapled them into four sections, pages 2 to 16, 195 to 208, 209 to 236, and 237 to 215. There may be a few odd pages omitted, such as blanks or anything irrelevant...
  20. M

    MG3 Hybrid+ Car vs Manual

    I've had my new MG3 Hybrid+ for a few weeks now and seem to be finding quite a few things mentioned in the manual missing from the car. First up is the message centre - manual talks about all the different modes this has (health centre, trip computer, navigation, settings, media and bluetooth...
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