
The Monster Manual (MM) is the primary bestiary sourcebook for monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game, first published in 1977 by TSR. The Monster Manual was the first hardcover D&D book and includes monsters derived from mythology and folklore, as well as creatures created specifically for D&D. Creature descriptions include game-specific statistics (such as the monster's level or number of hit dice), a brief description of its habits and habitats, and typically an image of the creature. Along with the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, the Monster Manual is one of the three "core rulebooks" in most editions of the D&D game. As such, new editions of the Monster Manual have been released for each edition of D&D. Due to the level of detail and illustration included in the 1977 release, the book was cited as a pivotal example of a new style of wargame books. Future editions would draw on various sources and act as a compendium of published monsters.

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  1. M

    MG3 Hybrid+ Car vs Manual

    I've had my new MG3 Hybrid+ for a few weeks now and seem to be finding quite a few things mentioned in the manual missing from the car. First up is the message centre - manual talks about all the different modes this has (health centre, trip computer, navigation, settings, media and bluetooth...
  2. Hybrid Ann

    Emissions fault

    Hi all. I have a MG3+Hybrid. I've only done 1000 miles and an engine light has come on which, according to the manual is an Emissions fault. Anybody know what this is about and any other input would be grateful to hear, as I'm a bit worried, very annoyed and taking a big sigh right now.
  3. F

    MG3 Hybrid Service Manual

    The service manual and owners manual are available on the MG EU website Rgds
  4. M

    Need manual guide for wall charger EVC-VS200-32C

    Hi All, I just installed the Wall Charger 1phase 7kW model EVC-VS200-32C , got it from the MG dealer when I bought the MG 4ev, but it doesnot have detailed manual guide how to connect to WiFi / Bluetooth or the apps. only comes with the RFID card to START/STOP charging. Been asking my...
  5. John Finney

    Navi Manual

    Does anyone know where there is a download of the navi manual on the ismart app please? It's not easy to use on a phone!!
  6. T

    MG4 - checking/changing fuses

    MG4 - checking/changing fuses The other day I noticed that the 12v socket in the centre console of my MG4 SE LR had stopped working. I'm wondering if it might be that the fuse has blown, so I had a look in the manual and found the info on fuses. My question is, how important is it to disconnect...
  7. Vipar

    User Manual

    Can anyone email me a copy of a MG MG4 Ev ER Trophy it’s 4.days old [email protected] Thanks in anticipation Vic
  8. L

    How to lock the MG4 towbar

    Hi, I have just had a towbar fitted to my MG4 by the dealership where I bought the car - so it's an authorised MG4 towbar - but I cannot work out how to lock it on. Any ideas? I cannot find any manual/video online. The closest I have come is for a similar product manufactured by BRiNK...
  9. F

    Driving abroad.

    I can't find any information in the manual as to how to switch from imperial units to metric, surely it should be simple?
  10. Ivan Vikhmanov

    MSD Manual Service Disconnect)

    Hello guys. I'm looking for where MSD Manual Service Disconnect is located. If anyone knows, let me know. Thank you
  11. A

    10-100% charging

    There is a thread in the MG4 section, which suggests that 10-100% charging is required every so often - apparently this is mentioned in the MG4 manual. I can't find anything in the MG5 manual that suggests that this is necessary - only charging to 100% and allowing equalisation to take place...
  12. M

    MG 5 - Car "dies" in traffic queue with manual parking brake applied

    I have a two and a half year old MG5 long range and on two occasions (several weeks apart) I have been waiting in traffic with the manual parking brake applied and when I try to move off (by just pressing the accelerator) nothing happens! I can't be sure but I think the heating fan stops but the...
  13. T1 Terry

    Anyone know where I can get a workshop manual for an Excite 64

    I'm new here, so be gentle. I am in Australia, so you can't come around and egg my house for what I want to do :lol: I recently bought a stat write-off MG4 from a salvage auction and want to use it as a donor to convert my '74 VW Kombi to electric. A workshop manual or You Tube videos on how to...
  14. G

    Connecting a Smartphone to an MG - Draft

    I'm updating my guide to the MG Trophy and as part of this I'm updating the chapter on connecting a smartphone including iSmart, Bluetooth and Android Auto. I would have liked to have checked it more but I've had a stomach virus for over a week now and have been taking things easy. However, some...
  15. I

    X-Power owners manual download?

    Hi Everyone Does anyone know if there is a downloadable / sharable X Power owners manual at all? I just wondered as the owners manual links found in various threads on here are Sept 22 I think and don't seem to cover the x-power. Cheers Will
  16. Kithmo

    Workshop manual ?

    Is there an english version of a workshop manual available for the MG4 ? I came across this one on Ebay but it's in Italy so I'm not sure if it's in English and it is a bit expensive. MANUALE OFFICINA SAIC MG4 EV WORKSHOP MANUAL | eBay
  17. seamust1000

    Service Manual

    Hello All I've seen a screenshot of the manual page of the MG iSmart app and it shows a Service manual, it may not have been a UK spec car though. I haven't got the service manual in my app, should it be showing? Thanks
  18. T

    Reading both manuals - roof load on 21 exclusive SW.

    2021 Exclusive SW - Looking to confirm the load rating for the roof - I entered my VIN into the MG website to download the manual.. Says I have a load rating of 75kg but some information here in this forum says 35kg or 75kg... And the manual in my car says decorative purposes only. Any solid...
  19. G

    MG4 Trophy - a Guide

    This is a Guide to an MG4 Trophy (2023 version with R40 infotainment software) which is intended to help drivers quickly understand the features available. I am attaching the pdf version of the Guide to this post. A Word version is also available from a Microsoft OneDrive together with an...
  20. C

    MG Software and Manual downloads site

    Saw this on FB: Click green Standardised Navigation bar on left. User Administration, Register. Once registered, you can go to Payment on the green bar, and pay for time-limited access with printing rights to wiring diagrams, software updates documentation, Programming...
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