mg5 lr

The following is a partial list of minor planets, running from minor-planet number 8001 through 9000, inclusive. The primary data for this and other partial lists is based on JPL's "Small-Body Orbital Elements" and "Data Available from the Minor Planet Center". A detailed description of the table's columns and additional sources are given on the main page including a complete list of every page in this series, and a statistical break-up on the dynamical classification of minor planets.
Also see the summary list of all named bodies in numerical and alphabetical order, and the corresponding naming citations for the number range of this particular list. Note that new namings may only be added to this list after official publication, as the preannouncement of names is condemned by the Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union.

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  1. 1UKDUDE

    Roof Rack MG5 LR

    Hello, I am due my Mg5 LR in September, and was wondering what the waight limit is ? i seem to remember somthing about 35kg ? on the SR is it the same for the LR? Thanks
  2. R

    MG5 LR Elite 2022 Abrupt throttle when slow manouvering

    We have just noticed that the slow speed throttle (when doing tight manouvering/ parking at home on our 10° print parking) about 1 out of 3 slow speed movings( both forward and reverse) is VERY abrupt, like the throttle curve may be being affected by heat. It is not consistent Is this a known...
  3. NickG

    Archived MG5 LR Rear Bumper Protector

    I saw I missed out on a couple for sale last week. Anyone else have one knocking about?? Only interested in the original part please.
  4. Aceselect

    Archived MG5 LR For Sale

    I have a 71 plate MG5 Long Range for sale, Westminster Silver, 6000 miles.
  5. A

    MG5 LR granny charging

    1) I charged the car overnight last week when it was very hot 28C. The next morning noticed the car was showing 265m available when it is only meant to give you 250m. This is on Economy as I always drive on Eco mode. 2) Also anyone know how to make sure every time I switch on the car it goes to...
  6. Les burrows

    Interesting Range test on the new forthcoming MG5 LR

  7. R

    MG5 LR charging with a Zappi 2 in Eco2

    Does anyone know if there is a minimum charge when using the Eco2 mode when using solar or wind energy Or indeed if on a Zappi or similar anyone is successfully charging with low amperage. Our car does very few miles weekdays, thus can spend a day(s) being slowly topped up for free( besides...

    MG5 LR global window opening fault

    Hi guys Has anyone had this issue with their mg5? I came out this morning to my car still locked but all 4 windows were fully down. Is it possible I've done something with my fob without knowing?? Cheers Brian
  9. M

    MG5 LR or keep lease

    Hi all, I currently have a n E Niro on a lease, 1 year in. Lease company have offered to take it back now with a year remaining for no cost(due to second hand car prices at the moment) I was potentially looking at purchasing an Exclusive 2nd hand/ex demo as it would be worth it rather than...
  10. R

    Really pleased - with our MG5 LR M/kW

    2 weeks into our first eV and really pleased with the miles/kW and range accuracy. Average for 550miles of mainly dual carriageway/ motorway 55/65 mph 4.3miles / KW. The % and miles remaining seem pretty accurate too. Yes it is becoming warmer weather and winter energy reduction to be expected...
  11. R

    MG5 LR full manual

    Where can I get a copy of a full manual for the car, to try and understand more fully the " software" functions and capabilities/ user variables Thanks yet again Roger
  12. R

    MG5 LR Safety system/ dashboard info

    Hi yet again. With the MG safety system set up with ot without cruise control, if you have the digital speedo showing are these systems working. If they are, is there an indication/ icon as such.
  13. RedandboX

    Creaking door mirrors MG5 LR exclusive

    Hi does anyone else have creaky door mirrors when they are closing? If so any ideas?, I’ve tried WD40 and a smear of grease and that lasts for about a week before the dreaded creak comes back. Also I hope the new 5 comes with an optional seat offer i.e. the cloth one’s as these faux leather...
  14. B

    Quick Query while waiting for my MG5 LR

    Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum but have been following it since the start of the year. I've found it very helpful and many thanks for that. I've also been following the ZS EV forum, in particular the Shipping Updates thread (but don't know if that's relevant to my query as it seems to be all...
  15. W

    Alarm going off when charging MG5 LR

    Picked up my used MG5 LR exclusive yesterday. Wanted to test the charging using a Ohme charger. Set the charger to only charge at cheap rate which I had set the time from 00:30 to 04:30 About 00:30 the alarm started going off, so pressed the unlock button. After the 30secs everything locked and...
  16. JimD

    MG5 LR AC Charging - does it stop automatically when full?

    As per the title. I'll be astonished if the answer is no, yet I can't find confirmation of this anywhere, so just checking. My assumption is that if I leave it on either a slow or fast charger overnight, it will charge the battery, perform its equalisation thingy, then stop without any...
  17. C

    MG5 LR - Multiple system faults

    Hi All I seem to have developed multiple system faults on my MG5 yesterday..... took it for a drive and everything was working normally, left it for a bout 1 hour and when I went to drive home I had the following... ACC System Unavailable Auto Emergency Braking System Unavailable Forward...
  18. theshillito

    MG5 LR - how to charge faster than 50KW

    The MG5 long range is capable of charging off DC at up to 100KW according to everything I read before and after purchasing one. However, whenever I've used public chargers that claim to be able to do anywhere from 100KW to 350KW, I have never been able to get above 50KW (usually between 40 and...
  19. Geo68

    MG5 LR

    Mate of mine went to order a LR today and was told they have stopped making them. They didn't mention that there was an updated version coming. ?
  20. K

    Committed to the MG5 LR

    As previously addressed in my hello thread. Just wanted to say I've ordered my MG5 LR and signed the agreement on 14th Feb, the leasing company's site had the silver listed as 8 remaining to order. Managed to grab it for 9month down 4yrs @ £247pcm . In the 2 weeks since, their prices have gone...
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