
MileagePlus is the loyalty program of United Airlines and Aeromar that offers rewards to passengers traveling on certain types of tickets. Following the 2011 merger agreement between United Airlines and Continental Airlines, United Mileage Plus was chosen to be the frequent flyer program for the combined airline. The program was subsequently renamed to MileagePlus, and maintains its relationship with its Star Alliance partners, as well as other airline and travel enterprise agreements.
Following the integration and phase out of Continental OnePass on March 3, 2012, MileagePlus also became the frequent flyer program for Copa Airlines and Copa Airlines Colombia. The new program member IDs follow the OnePass format (2 letters + 6 digits) in lieu of the old Mileage Plus format (11 digits), and any members who had existing OnePass member ID numbers retained their existing numbers. In March 2015, Copa Airlines announced that it would phase out the MileagePlus program in favor of a new frequent flyer program called ConnectMiles.

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  1. Jovik


    Hi new owner here. I've bought my mpg3 hybrid cause l liked the mpg, I've done 100 miles so far but my mpg is only 49mpg what number of miles should I do to start getting the advertised mpg ps. I'm not a fast driver. Thanks
  2. Ethernea

    "mileage" disappointment or there's wrong/normal here?

    So ive been using Custom driving move with these settings: Eco horse power, light wheel turning... Regenerative level 3... Always on AC (too hot in here) ... This car model 64 kWh battery is supposed to have 450 km capacity... But in reality it can only be used 20% to 80% to maintain its...
  3. D

    Just for fun...20 miles / kWh - how long have you seen it

    obviously i was parked at the top of a hill before starting off going down, but i was interested that the mi/kWh maxed out at 20. I sustained this for 2 miles before I had to actually apply power and it went back to normal. just for fun i thought id see if anyone else had got it to 20 and if...
  4. wandle MG4 trophy

    How far have you actually gone on a full charge (Trophy only)

    Feeling smug as the other day I drove 245 miles with 52 miles range remaining. The projected range of 297 miles would, I think, have been achievable. Even better, I recharged the following day whilst Octopus Agile prices were negative. Battery at start - 100% and equalised Road - mixed...
  5. B

    What Is The Highest Mileage/Oldest Completely Trouble Free MG4.

    Ok. I will start this off by saying that my Camden Grey SE SR is 19 months old and has done 5850 miles. And apart from going back to Bristol North MG for its 1st service has been problem free. And touch wood it will continue that way. I don't class any of the normal characteristics associated...
  6. M

    Low mileage service.

    According to the information I’ve been able to find… the only difference between the low mileage plan and the normal service plan for an MG ZS EV is the normal one includes a key fob battery change. That’s £2 at most. I’ve been quoted £149 for the low mileage. I’m trying to find out if Cleaveley...
  7. DaevM

    8p/mile - have I got this right ?

    Just thinking about how much our holiday fuel cost. 1000 mile trip. £80 worth of public charger network ( mostly Tesla member rates) = 8p / mile ?? Seems reasonable. To be fair I'd charged to 100% on solar before leaving and upon return, so freebies and paid £9 Tesla monthly subscription, but...
  8. dsr

    My first 300

    I appreciate others have done it, but I got there for the first time today in my ER. Set off from Chester at 100%, with a GOM of 327 miles. 76 miles to Ludlow in the morning and 327 more to Norwich later in the day. Arrived with 8% ‘in the tank’. My wife and I shared the driving and the boot and...
  9. C

    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    Now the MG4 has been out for perhaps 2-3 years in the UK it would be interesting to see who has the highest mileage Mg4 in the group, so if you think you have the highest mileage please post and share your experience of the car so far the good, the bad and the ugly :p
  10. Davn

    Replacement Tyres

    Well 28k miles on the original f/f Continental's, no real gripe's but the rears will have to be replaced soon. Any recommendations as to replacement's?
  11. Aitch1

    Low Mileage Service Plan for MG3 Hybrid+

    Has anyone any experience of this of this plan, which is mentioned on the MG Motors web site. As my driving is very limited nowadays, probably in the region of 4 to 5 thousand miles tops, I would be interested to know how much savings are to be had by opting for this. Also, has anyone solved the...
  12. B

    Which mileage indicator is more accurate?

    The ZS Excite has 2 different mileage indicators. the markers at the bottom of the clock or the actual reading Mileage remaining? I am generally getting 16 miles for each marker but when it reaches the last marker the actual mileage indicates 50 miles left. Anyone who can advise would be very...
  13. 1

    Shocking shock absobers

    Just found out a rear shocker on my MG5 is needing replaced and the warranty for them ran out on the 23/6/24 and is costing £200+ to replace it as it seems they are only covered for 3 years on MGs 7 year warranty.Can anyone tell me if a shocker should pack in after 28000 miles the car has never...
  14. S

    Air Bag warning light

    I have got the EV4 Trophy from new (last september) and so far i have only done 3000 miles but i have more than 600 messages about my air bag fault.i spoke to the dealer and they said not to worry about it
  15. T

    MG4 Odometer Issue

    Hi everyone, I've had my MG4 for a couple of weeks on a salary sacrifice scheme through work. Have to say I'm loving the car but was concerned at the miles apparently racked up on the time I've had it. My daily commute is just under 19 miles each way. This morning I drove on a full charge and...
  16. fatboyfat1981

    3rd service

    …timed almost perfectly at 44,800 miles. In & out in 45 minutes, only issue noted was needing four new tyres. Currently at KwikFit (not my choice, lease company’s preferred partner). A refreshing change from having to crowbar my wallet open for the inevitable £500+ I used to have to spend with...
  17. Conrad3

    What runs what

    Silly question What does the 12V battery run and what does the electric run Wife wants to know so she knows what doesn’t run the electric charge down to reduce mileage
  18. DaevM

    Absolutely brilliant car!!

    There, I've said it. 'tis a brilliant car 'n' I loves it ??. Having just completed my 2nd 500+ mile round trip, this one in a little over 24 hours with a fair bit of business including a guerrilla funeral and wake (not the animal!!) , I gotta say, despite having to deal with ridiculously heavy...
  19. FunkyWorm

    5.9 Miles/kWh - anyone got past six?!

    With the warm weather I’m regularly getting past five miles/kWh, but on the North Circular this morning I had twenty minutes at 5.9miles/kWh.
  20. K

    Great car! Just go for it!

    Firstly, hello to the group! I decided to jump into the world of electric cars, and my budget was sub 23k. After looking around, reading countless reviews and watching so many videos, I decided on an MG4. I was going to go for an SE, but with one eye on the second-hand market in three or four...
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