
The Millennium Prize Problems are seven well-known complex mathematical problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute in 2000. The Clay Institute has pledged a US$1 million prize for the first correct solution to each problem.
The Clay Mathematics Institute officially designated the title Millennium Problem for the seven unsolved mathematical problems, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture, Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, P versus NP problem, Riemann hypothesis, Yang–Mills existence and mass gap, and the Poincaré conjecture at the Millennium Meeting held on May 24, 2000. Thus, on the official website of the Clay Mathematics Institute, these seven problems are officially called the Millennium Problems.
To date, the only Millennium Prize problem to have been solved is the Poincaré conjecture. The Clay Institute awarded the monetary prize to Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman in 2010. However, he declined the award as it was not also offered to Richard S. Hamilton, upon whose work Perelman built.

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  1. W

    MG iSmart problems (merged)

    Hi everyone, recently I have been encountering issues with my MG iSmart app. Is there any particular reason for that? Could you please assist me in understanding why?
  2. FiferMG4

    MG4 would seem to have made it through a flooded ford

    Not that I would have attempted this, but it would seem the MG4 made it through unscathed, or do you think it will incur problems later on? ? Fast forward to the 2 minute 7 second mark to see the MG4:
  3. C

    More problems

    Over the years I have driven almost every car there is, from a bubble car up to a Rolls Royce, db5 and even a Lamborghini. So having driven company cars, mostly German, I’d like to think I know what is a great car and what is a poor car. Now, I have recently inherited a 2021 MG HS Hybrid after...
  4. S

    Problems charging at public stations

    Hello all, I've just recently received my brand new MG4 last week in Australia and I'm currently having trouble charging at public charging stations so I'd like a bit of advice on what else to try. When doing my test drive, I was told that the MG4 should be chargeable at most Tesla destination...
  5. L

    Problems disconnecting the Zappi 2 Charger from my MG5 2021.

    Hi All. I connected my MG up to my home charger last Thursday night and it started to fast charge as this is the last mode I used on the app. I then switched it to charge on a schedule without cancelling the charge. When I went open the car on Saturday morning the car didn't respond to the...
  6. megamac

    Insurance renewal problems?

    Has anyone here recently had problems renewing their insurance? Read this article on Apple News from The Guardian, and wonder if any MG drivers are experiencing the issues reported by some Tesla owners. £5K per year insurance??? Surely not…
  7. Y

    Charger locking problems - how widespread?

    I use the egg chargers at my work during the day, however about half the time something goes wrong and I can't unplug my type 2 cable from the charger. The only way to fix it is for security to turn it off and on again. It's not a problem with the car or cable as other people are having the...
  8. M

    After 5 months trouble free the problems start...

    After 5 months without a single software hitch (apart from the issues everyone has, Bluetooth pairing, LKA etc) I've just started having issues with the car on a trip to Scotland. First it threw a TPMS error during a drive - shutdown/power-on when we stopped fixed that. Then two days later...
  9. Pontyboy

    Charging with PodPoint problems

    Can not charge on timed sequence overnight. Podpoint so unhelpful, will not speak on phone all communication by email which takes days for a reply. Snail mail years ago was quicker. The scheduled charging will not work. Tried everything but to now avail. Very frustrating after a big initial cost.
  10. S

    Charging problems

    I put a post up yesterday but received no replies. It’s not strictly an MGZS problem but when charging my car yesterday the i Smart app was showing the charge power as 1.7 kw . Over the weekend I charged the car for a total of 10 hours ( not all at the same time) and the battery had only risen...
  11. DelBoy

    CCS Communications Problems

    Has anyone had an issue with the CCS not communicating with the charger therefore no CCS charging. I have tried 7 different chargers (CCS) and all state that the car had an internal issue and some state that the car is not communicating with the charger. I have charged with a wall charger and...
  12. stoneyev

    Rubbish brake discs. MG HS Phev

    Anyone else having problems with scored brake discs. I've been complaining since June 2022, at 5500 miles. Dealer just notes light scoring to discs !! Complained again in February 2023 at 10000 miles and all I got was - again, light scoring to rear discs.. Car serviced in May 2023 at 11500...
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