range anxiety

Range anxiety is the driver's fear that a vehicle has insufficient energy storage (fuel and/or battery capacity) to cover the road distance needed to reach its intended destination, and would thus strand the vehicle's occupants mid-way. The term, which is now primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), is considered to be one of the major psychological barriers to large-scale public adoption of electric cars.The term "range anxiety" was first reported in the press on September 1, 1997, in the San Diego Business Journal by Richard Acello referring to worries of GM EV1 electric car drivers. On July 6, 2010, General Motors filed to trademark the term, stating it was for the purpose of "promoting public awareness of electric vehicle capabilities". The Norwegian equivalent rekkeviddeangst was assigned second place in a list of Norwegian "words of the year" for 2013 by the Norwegian Language Council.The main strategies to alleviate range anxiety among electric car drivers are the deployment of extensive charging infrastructure, the development of higher battery capacity at a cost-effective price, battery swapping technology, use of range extenders, accurate navigation and range prediction and availability of free loan vehicles for long trips.
According to a study by the American Automobile Association, the cure to range anxiety is owning an electric vehicle.

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  1. F

    First long journey - range anxiety help!

    Hello, I've had my EV since December but due to lockdowns haven't been very far. Next week I am going from Berkshire to Northampton, a journey of 120 miles, and then back again the same day. I'm already worrying about it due to charging. Looking at Zap map, the rapid chargers on the route are...
  2. Cocijo

    Is this ultimate range anxiety? Should have planned the route better!

  3. Srp111

    Range anxiety, new battery type

    Interesting article on new battery technology https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9162521/Electric-car-battery-developed-fully-recharge-just-five-MINUTES.html?adobe_mc=TS%3D1611051947%7CMCAID%3D2F59E8BB05158493-600006BFC30A92F6
  4. Cocijo

    Range anxiety cured!

    Pop one in the boot! https://www.pureelectric.com/products/pure-air-electric-scooter?variant=33495216095320&fo_c=3296&fo_k=8cbb965986c1071eeb49010cfb6f30f9&fo_s=awin&source=aw&awc=17069_1610195054_5167eba85906737c2ee77a38f5e59cd3&utm_source=TechRadar&utm_medium=awin&utm_campaign=103504
  5. Dave S

    First it was Range Anxiety - now I've got Charger paranoia!!

    On a trip down to Edinburgh this week, I stopped at Broxden Park & Ride, Perth for the first time. Wow! It has an array of chargers, 3 x multi tethered outlet ; 3 or 4 untethered and what I can only call an avenue of Tesla chargers. But I couldn't get a CCS charge of any of the three! One was...
  6. Chrispydoc

    Range Anxiety?

    I have just completed my longest ever run........it was my 'Mountain to climb" and I wasn't looking forward to it! Neither was my wife, who has range anxiety. We visit a holiday home in Norfolk of a regular basis...or at least we did until lock-down. It's 155 miles each way from Derby to...
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